When can we start?

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I dedicate this chapter @Tv_Head. Thanks for being my loyal follower.


I have learned in my fifteen years of life, that the past has a way of catching up with me. I can't run from something that is inherently apart of me. Every aspect of my life was altered that day Stryker took me from my mother but I don't know if things would have turned out better if I wasn't experimented on.

I've learned from Stryker as much as it pains me to say it. This is my life and I guess people need to know who I am. I'm not dangerous, well I don't want to be and I am not a danger to the United States. They are the ones that are going to keep me safe from Stryker because he can't get into the country. Yeah, I have to worry about his minions but I can take care of myself.

That makes this the hardest thing I have to do. Telling SHIELD about my past and admitting that I need help to stay safe, will destroy a part of me that will not come back. Mom told me when I was younger that I was stronger then they were. I didn't know who they were but I know now that they are anyone who want to hurt me.

Maybe SHIELD is one of those people. Maybe they sincerely just want to help. In a couple of minutes, I'll find out.


Everyone watched the girl as she was lead to Fury's office. She didn't seem to be afraid and many hoped that she would become a SHIELD agent. They heard rumors that she was trained by Soviet spies and she speaks 6 different languages. No one knows for sure since Fury isn't saying a word about her but they all had their hopes up.


My heart raced in my chest as I was lead into the office. Everyone stared at me as I was lead down the hallways and I wondered what they were thinking about. I refused to read their minds since I felt that it was a violation of their privacy. However, I have the strong desire to read the two agent's minds that were leading me through the SHIELD helicarrier.

We finally arrived to the interrogation rooms. Agent Pine opens the door for me and motions for me to go inside. I flash back to one of the first times that Stryker talked to me. Let's just say that he wasn't too nice about his methods for getting me to talk, and I'm pretty sure that SHIELD will do anything to get information out of me.

"Are you hungry, Allison?" Agent Pine asks and I shake my head slowly. "We're not the enemies, Allison." He says as they close the door behind them. I know that the door is locked so I can't go anywhere but I don't know what I am supposed to do in here. I glance around the room and see a large mirror lining one wall.

I walk over to the mirror and I place my hand on it. My hand directly touches the reflection and I realize that it's two way glass. There are probably people on the other side watching me right now and that kind of scares me.

I hear the door open behind me and I whip around quickly. The agent has light brown hair that is starting to thin and grey blue eyes. He sits down at the table and I silently take the seat opposite him.

"Hello Allison. I'm Agent Coulson." He says as he opens a thick file. The first page has my second grade school photo which was probably the last picture that was taken before I was kidnapped. I don't say anything. "How did you escape?"

"You really don't mess around do you?" I ask as I shake my head. "I went out through a ventilation duct." I reply even though that isn't completely true. He waits for me to elaborate more. "And I ran through the snow until Stryker's men caught up to me. Then the x-men saved me. That's it." I say as I get a little annoyed because he doesn't talk again.

"Tell me about your life." Coulson looks at me as I visibly pale. I bite my lip as I think of a nice way to tell them no. I can't talk about all of it. Those memories are better left in the past. I shake my head slowly and think of a way to tell them why I can't explain my past.

"Allison we want to help you but keeping things from us..." Coulson says before I shake my head again.

"It's too painful to talk about Agent Coulson." I reply as I try to keep myself calm.

"Allison you don't have a choice. One way or another, we will get you to tell us." Coulson threatens and I know that I will have to tell them but......I just don't want to. "What is your choice, Allison?" The look in his eyes scares me so I reconsider.

"What do you need to know?" I ask as I look down at my hands.

"Everything." Coulson replies.

"It would be easier for me to show you." I say as I look up again. "I can share memories with people I choose but I wouldn't be able to show you much at a time, because it's taxing on my body."

"When can we start?" Coulson looks pleased with my choice.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now