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I looked over at the door and I knew it would be too easy to just use my telepathic power but I tried it anyways.  Nothing, which isn't that suprising.  I manage to limp over to the door and I try to freeze it but there isn't enough mostiure in the room to freeze it so I slide down to the floor.

"Think Allison." I whisper to myself as I try to imagine the other side of the door.  I could almost imagine the sense of freedom as I concentrated on a way out of here.  I feel my body start to be pulled somewhere and I close my eyes concentrating.  A second later I'm falling to the floor on the other side of the door.

"Ow!" I cry in pain as I move so my weight isn't on my knee anymore.  

"Well done.  That took you less time than I expected." The man stands at the end of the hallway looking at me.  "I didn't know you could teleport." He tells me as he approaches me.

"Trust me I didnt' know either." I say as he offers me a hand and helps me off the ground.  "A deals a deal." I tell him.

"The door is down the hall on the right." He says.  "Town is just a mile towards the mountain."

"You're making me walk there!" I say as I look down at my injured knee.

"I'm letting you go." He walks away from me and I brace myself on the wall as I stumble towards the exit.  I manage to get outside and to the road, but the pain was too much at that point.  I collapse to the ground in tears as I see headlights coming down the road.  The thing slows down and pulls off the road.

"What are you doing out here kid?" Logan's voice asks as he comes over to me.

"I've never been so glad to see someone!" I say as he gets down on my level.  "This man captured me and he let me go, but I hurt myself getting out of there and..."

"Magneto!" Logan stands up and looks behind me.  I look behind me and I see that man.

"I'm not here to hurt her.  She's too valuable for that." Magneto says as he approaches.  

"You said I was free to go!?" I cry.

"You are child." He says.  "Just wanted to remind you that the brotherhood will wait for you to join us if not we'll just hunt you down again."

"She's got it." Logan growls and Magneto leaves.  Logan kneels next to me again.  "What hurts?" He asks gently and i point to my bruised knee.  "Here." He picks me up gently and he puts me in his truck.

"What happened  to your motorcycle?" I asked as he got in.

"The professor suggested I took the truck today." He says and I know that Xavier knew about me being captured by Magneto.  "So you choose the Avengers over the X-men."  I nod as we drive towards the town.  "They don't seem to be taking good care of you."

"They're doing the best they can." I reply bitterly as we get into town.  "I need to call Natasha." I tell Logan and he pulls over and hands me his cell phone.  I dial Natasha's number and I wait for her to answer.

"Hello?" Natasha's voice answers.

"Natasha it's me, Allison." I reply as I look over at Logan.

"What happened Allison?" Natasha demands and i tell her what happened.  "Where are you?"  Logan tells me.

"I'm on the outskirts of Bismark, North Dakota." I tell her and Nat tells me that she'll be here in about fifteen minutes.  I hang up with her as I hand Logan back his phone.

"I can't convince you to come back, can I?" He asks and I shake my head.  "What do you see in them?"

"They care about me, and anyways I feel like I fit in there." I say.

"You've almost gotten yourself killed..."

"LOGAN! I can handle myself.  I understand that you and the x-men care but I'm old enough to make my own decisions and I can come visit if you guys want me to, but I have a duty to the Avengers and I'm planning on keeping it." I say.

"Kid, I'm sorry.  We're all just worried when we heard about your last incident."

"I know." I whisper as we wait the rest of the time in silence.  Logan got a call from Nat to  meet her on the outside of town.  He drove me there and I slide out of the car, the second I saw Nat and Clint.  Clint scoops me up into a hug as Nat hugs both of us.

"Thank you for finding her." Nat tells Logan. 

"It's not a problem.  I'm just glad I found her in time." He says as Clint sets me gently on the ground.  I wince when I try to walk over to Logan.  He scoops me up into a hug.  "Be safe kid." He whispers and I nod.


A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now