I'm an Avenger

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The Avengers were kind of surprised that I was coming with them.  Everyone believed that Fury would want to keep me but i guess he was worried about the WSC getting a hold of me.  I grabbed my two bags and I quickly ran through the helicarrier.  I was supposed to be on the main flight deck five minutes ago but I got stopped by Agent Sterns on my way back.  I manage to get to the flight deck in good time and I find Captain waiting for me.  He leads me into the jet we will be taking and we take off.  

"So, you're an avenger now." Tony says as I take a seat along one of the walls.

"I guess so." I reply with a small smile.  "What does that mean exactly though?" I ask Captain and he pauses for a moment.

"Training, school, missions, and what ever else you want to do." Captain tells me and I shudder at the idea of real school.

"When was the last time you attended a real school?" Banner asks.   I guess my shudder didn't go unnoticed.

"I was seven years old.  I've taught myself since then."  And I've done a pretty good job at it too.  Taught myself five languages and I've mastered most subjects, but I guess it's because I had a lot of free time.

"You'll have to be home schooled then." Stark tells me.  "I'm pretty sure you can learn a thing or two from some of us."  I smile because I can learn a lot from all of them.  They don't know how valuable they will be when it comes to my education.

"What was your plan when you ran away from Stryker?" Natasha asks and I bite my lip.

"I didn't really have a plan." I reply.  "I just knew that I couldn't stay there any longer." If I did I would have died.

"Good thing we found you." Tony says.  "So what's your dream job?" He asks and I realize that I haven't thought about anything other than surviving Stryker.

"I wanted to be a Prima Ballerina but I would do better as a translator." I say because I can't survive on my ballet skills alone.  Natasha smiles at me.

"We can work on both of those together." She tells me and I look at her confused.

"Natasha was a ballerina a while back." Hawkeye tells me and I look at her.  She is just so amazing.

"We'll be landing soon." Captain tells me and I take a deep breath.


The Avengers compound is pretty cool.  I was shown to my room which is a pretty good size.  I have a full size bed, a large closet, a desk, chair, bathroom, and a chest at the end of my bed.  Tony said we could customize it later when I was sure I wanted to stay.  After I unpacked my meager belongings, Captain took me to  the training room to test out my abilities.

"How well can you fight?" He asks me as I stand on the training mat.  I shrug because I don't know what they consider as good.  "Why don't we fight for a little bit and I'll see what we need to work on?" Captain comes towards me.

A couple of people came to watch and we fight for a couple of minutes.  He lands a few punches here and there but I got him back in equal measure.  Tony laughed as i helped Captain off the floor.

"Who trained you?" Captain asks as Tony tosses me a water bottle.

"Can't give out any names, but he was an old soviet spy." I reply as I drink some water.  "He also taught me to speak Russian before Stryker made him leave."  I put the water bottle down and I look up at Captain.

"Natasha you want to give it a go?" He asks and Natasha comes onto the mat.  This is going to be a little more challenging.  We spar for a few minutes but I end up on the mat.  My shoulder screams at me as Natasha helps me up.

"You need a little improvement but considering the fact you're only fifteen, you did pretty good." Natasha praises me as I sit down on one of the benches.

"You look exhausted." Banner noticed as he walks over to me.

"It's nothing." I lied as I stood up.  I feel light headed and Banner manages to hold me upright.  "Okay, maybe it's not nothing."

"Let's get you checked out before you do anything else." Banner instructs as he leads me to the infirmary.


So, I'm going to stop there.  Thanks for reading again and I really appreciate the votes that I received on some of my chapters.  Hope you all are having a great week and I'll post the next chapter tomorrow.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now