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The sound of a constant beeping wakes me up.  I hear a heart monitor somewhere to my left but the sound is making my head hurt.  I put an arm over my face trying to soothe my headache.

"She's awake." A voice says and I remove my arm slowly.  Natasha is smiling at me gently and I try to offer her a small smile but it's hard when my head hurts so much.  "You gave us a scare, kid." She says as she sits next to me on the bed.

"What happened?" I ask as I slowly sit up.  The blood rushes to my head and I groan in agony as I put my head back against the pillows.  "God my head hurts." I whine as someone comes into the room.

"How is she feeling?" Banner asks somewhere to my right.  I can't bare to open my eyes again.

"My head is killing me." I whimper and I feel someone touch my shoulder gently.  I open my eyes and look at Banner.  The second I look at him the voices return, but this time it's only one voice.  I close my eyes again.  The voice sounds familiar and as I focus on silencing it, I remember who it belongs to.

"Allison?" Banner says as I realize what is going on.

"I got to go." I say sitting up.  The pain in my head lessened when I told the voice I was coming to help. 

"You're not going anywhere." Banner says as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I have to.  There's nothing wrong with me. Someone's in danger and they were trying to contact me.  I have to go." I plead as I swing my legs out of bed.  

"Who is in danger?" Nat asks.

"A little girl I promised to save." I reply because telling them more would expose a part of my past, I wish to keep buried.  "I have to go and don't try to stop me." I say and Natasha and Banner look at each other worriedly. 

"Are you sure you're ok?" Banner asks.

"I'm fine." I reply as I walk towards the door.  The voices in my head return but I could pick out the one I was looking for.  Don't worry, I'm coming. I tell it

"You don't have to go alone." Nat offers.

"I know but this is something I have to do by myself.  You'll understand later." But there might not be a later.  Either Stryker got ahold of Mia or someone else.  Either way, I promised that nothing would ever happen to her.


Walking through the helicarrier was weird.  Especially since no one was questioning my presence anymore.  I didn't know what Fury was going to say when I called him up but he agreed to hear me out before he sent me back to the Avenger's or worse the sandbox. 

I fingered the dog tags in my hand trying to think of a way to explain everything without actually telling him everything.  When I made it to the conference room,  I stopped to calm my racing heart.  Then I walked into the room.

"Director." I say as I enter and he motions for me to take a seat next to him.

"What is this about?" He demands.

"From day one, you've given me a chance to explain myself and to make a better life than the one I've been given.  But I haven't exactly been honest with you." I say.

"I figured that." The look he gives me tells me that I should continue.

"Last year, I decided that it was in my best interest to cooperate with Stryker completely and without regard to any consequences.  But everything changed after a mission that I was sent on to go retrieve a little girl named Mia.  She had extraordinary abilities and Stryker was going to take them from her and kill her like a worthless animal once he was done."  My heart hurt talking about it.  "So, I tried to hide her from him.  I succeeded but then Stryker found out and made me go retrieve her.  I couldn't do it so I took her older sister and brought her to him.  They both had powers so he ignored my disobedience."

"And why are you bringing this up?"

"Because I was told to kill her when Stryker was done.  I shot her in the back of the head because she knew I would keep her sister safe.  Stryker made me kill more prisoners like me after that."  

"But that's not why I'm here.  Mia sent out a cry for help yesterday because she was in danger and I have to go find her.  A promise is a promise and I'm worried that I won't make it back here."

"You want me to take in the girl."

"If I don't make it back, yes.  I need to know that my death would keep her safe."

"Then come back."  He demands.

"If worst comes to worse, I won't come back.  I need to know that you'll train her to be an agent.  She's quiet capable of doing it and....."

"Just go." He says and I take that as a yes.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now