Defying the odds

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Third Person POV

For a time, no one knew whether Allison would make it. Her body was damaged beyond repair and many believe she gave up on living.  However, no one stopped visiting her.  Logan spent the most time at the hospital as he tried to come to grips with the fact that he might not be able to tell Allison how sorry he was.  His brother did this to her and he couldn't even extract revenge.

"Logan, it wasn't your fault." Storm says from the doorway.  She'd been watching him for a couple of minutes.  "Allison wouldn't want you to blame yourself for what Victor did."

"She suffered because of him."  Logan snarls and then he feels a small hand touch his.  "Allison?" He asks as Storm rushes to the side of the bed.  Her hand moves again as her eyes start to flutter open.

"Logan?" She whispers as she looks over at me.

"You're safe now sweetie." Storm starts crying.

"It's not your fault." Allison whispers before she falls into unconsciousness again.  Logan stares at the girl as he continues to hold her hand. 

"I told you." Storm says after a few minutes.  There's a knock at the door and they both turn to see Captain waiting in the doorway.  "You can come in." Storm beckons him in and he joins them.  "She woke up for a few seconds but she lost consciousness again."

"What did she say?" Captain asks and they tell him.  "She'll pull through this.  She always does."


I heard voices talking around me as I opened up my eyes again.  I've only managed to stay conscious for a few seconds at a time but I feel stronger now.  Natasha and Clint are in the room.  Nat's the first to notice that I'm awake.

"Allison!" She says excitedly.  "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." I manage to say as I start to realize just how damaged my body is.  My stomach aches with every breath I take in and my arms are covered in stitches.  "How bad is it?" I ask.

"Pretty bad but the doctors got to you in time." She says.  That doesn't explain how bad it is but I guess I'll ask when I'm feeling stronger.  I didn't notice that Clint disappeared but he came back with Captain.  I smile weakly as Capt comes to the side of the bed.

"Hey kiddo." He says and I reach out and take his hand.  "You gave us all a scare."

"I'm sorry."  I whisper but I don't have the strength to keep talking.  So I just listen to everyone talking.  It's nice hearing their voices again but I couldn't stay awake for longer than twenty minutes so I drifted off to sleep again.

I spent much of the next couple of days drifting in and out of consciousness.  I saw a lot of different people and I spent a lot of time trying to talk.  It was still hard and my lungs felt so weak.  The doctors did several tests to make sure my lungs were functioning properly.  Apparently, one of my lungs collapsed from the trauma and it's still trying to heal.

"Take a deep breath, Allison." One of the doctors says as he listens to my breathing.  It hurts to breath too deeply but I try to do what he asks.  "You can breath normally now Allison.  You did really well." He says as I lean back against the pillows.   The doctor steps outside with Captain.

When Captain comes back in, he sits next to me.  I take his head and I send him a message telepathically.  My lungs still hurt so I would rather not talk and my powers are the best way to communicate.

"The doctors are going to remove some oxygen that's surrounding your lungs."  I nod but I then ask if it's going to hurt.  I'm already in pain and I don't want it to hurt more than it already does.  "It shouldn't hurt." Captain assures me and I nod.

The doctor returns with a nurse.  I'm instructed to lay on my side so they could see my back.  The wounds on my stomach ache but I don't want to complain. 

"Please stay calm for us, Allison." The doctor says as Captain takes my hands in his.  I try to keep my breathing normal as they disinfect the site.  One of the deeper wounds is right next to it so I grimace every time anything accidentally touches it. 

"You're ok." Captain keeps whispers as I feel them inject a needle to numb the area.  "Breath, you're ok." I feel the needle go into my back and I fight to keep my breathing as even as possible.  

"You're doing great." The nurse tells me.  I stay still for a few more minutes and finally, I feel them remove the needle.   The bandage is placed on the site and I stay laying on my side while they leave.

"Are you ok?" Captain asks and I nod tiredly.  My lungs felt a little better and thankfully, I was still on oxygen.  "Get some sleep." He says.

"Don't leave me." I say as he tries to stand up.  He sits back down until I fall asleep.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now