Push Her!

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"Did you really have to hurt yourself again?" Fury asks as I use my crutches to go into the conference room.

"I'm accident prone, and anyways blame Magneto." I say as I slide into a chair.

"So how did you escape the cell?" Maria asks and I've been waiting to tell them all day.

"I can teleport." I say with a big smile on my face.  They all look at me as if I'd finally gone crazy.  I sigh as I get out of my chair.  I put my crutches down and I focus on the empty space next to Captain.  I picture myself standing there and then I'm falling to the ground.  Captain catches me though.  "See." I say as he helps me into a chair.

"And how did you learn this?" Tony asks and I sigh.

"I just envisioned myself outside of the cell and then I was falling to the ground.  It's pretty simple if you think about and I guess I've always been able to teleport but I never needed to before."  Everyone watches me as I talk and then I quickly look down at the ground.

"What other powers could you have?" Captain asks and I think back to what Whitehall told me.

"Yeah there's more.  That's why I was so insistent on talking to him.  He knows what Stryker did to me, but I couldn't get anything else out of him so I'm not sure what I'm capable of.  We might have to start thinking that I might be a danger to everyone here." I knew that I was designed to become a weapon and with me discovering new and more dangerous powers,

"You're not a weapon." Banner says.

"Actually I was designed to be a weapon.  I'm supposed to be more powerful than any of you.  I was supposed to be humanity's worst weapon...." I feel myself shaking.

"Allison stop talking like this." I manage to stand up as Captain tries to calm me down.

"I'm going to my room." I say as Clint hands me my crutches.


Back in the conference room.....

"She thinks she's a weapon, but she isn't." Banner said.

"You haven't seen her angry." Natasha says as we think about it.  "But we can't have her thinking that.   We need her to think she's helping people and we're not using her for her powers."  

"But we are." Captain says.  "We wouldn't have let her stay if she had a useless power."

"She wouldn't have had a useless power.  Stryker had her."  Banner replies.  "What are we going to do about her new powers?  She certainly can't control them."

"You said them... How many powers has she discovered?" Fury asks.

"Whitehall said she can heal people, see the future, and bring people back from death."  Captain says.  "But I didn't think she figured out how to use them yet."

"Stryker used pain and fear to make her learn her other powers.  Without some type of motivation, she won't learn anything.  We need to motivate her." Fury says.

"She's a child, Nick." Captain says.

"And she needs to grow up."  It sounded harsh but they knew he was right.  If she believed she was a weapon, then they needed to treat her as such.  They can't baby her because her powers will only grow as she gets older.  "Send her on dangerous missions.  Push her to the limits.  She'll break eventually and then we'll see what she's capable of."

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