For the last time...

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The doctors discharged me about a week later.  In total, I spent a month in the hospital.  Thankfully, I'm out now even though I still feel weak but I have Banner if I need anything.  On the way back to the compound, I slept on Captain.  He stayed with me every night so I wouldn't be alone.  I apparently would cry in my sleep and the doctors were concerned but he assured them that I was ok.

I realize that I do need help and Sam is waiting to bring me back to D.C. with him still.  I'll be at the compound for two days and then I'm off to our capital.  I'm excited to finally see D.C. but at the same time, I'm dreading meeting his support group.

I can do this though. I know I can talk about what happened to me but what will they think.  They're veterans of real wars and I'm just a fifteen year old.  Will they understand or will I be disrespecting them. 

These are the thoughts that plagued my dreams and I was thankful when Captain woke me up.  Everyone was happy to see me when I got back.  I had to stop Tony from hugging me too hard because my wounds were still healing but it was nice being back.  I didn't realize just how much I meant to them.

"So why did you run away?" Banner asks me as he does a quick once over of me.

"I made a promise to a little girl a long time ago that I wouldn't let Stryker hurt her.  Well, Stryker knew exactly what he could do to get me to give myself up." I say as Banner touches one of the cuts.  I grimace.

"On a scale of one to ten how would you rate your pain?" He asks.

"I don't know a five.  I'm fine though, Banner.  I've gone through worse."

"Do you need anything for the pain?" I guess he didn't hear me.

"I'll be fine." I say as I hop off the table.  "If I need anything, I won't hesitate to come to you." I tell him and he shakes his head with a smile on his face.  I go off in search of something to do.  I'm still tired so I won't be able to do too much physical activity for a while so I'll have to find other things to do.

"What bored already?" Tony asks as I come into his lab.  I take a seat on one of his tables.  "I take that as a yes.  Do you want to help me with my new project?" He asks and I shrug.  "Come on kid.  Stop being so quiet.  I miss the old Allison."

"I'm still recovering Tony, so it will take me a while to get back to my old self."  I tell him as he tosses me a booklet.

"I heard you fractured a couple of bones, and had a collapsed lung?" He asks as I look through the booklet.  It's outlining a new Avengers initiative that Captain and Tony were working on.  It would make sense to look for other people to join the Avengers but it would be a lot of work.

"The collapsed lung is what caused the most damage though." I tell him.  "How are you going to find more people to join?" I ask.

"We thought you might want to go out to find people." He says and I start to laugh but I have to stop to catch my breath.  "What?" He asks.

"Who is going to want to be recruited by a fifteen year old?" I ask as I clutch my side in agony. 

"Are you ok?" Tony asks.

"I'll be fine." I say as I lean forward hoping to relieve the pressure.  "Give me a sec." I try to calm my breathing and after a couple of minutes the pain lessens.  "You didn't answer my question."  I tell him as I slowly sit up straight again.

"You would be apart of a team." Tony watches me warily.  "Are you sure you're ok?" 

"Tony, look at me." I say as he comes over.  "I've survived worse.  I can get through this." I tell him and he nods as I hear someone come in the workshop.  "Hey, Nat!" I say as I hop off the table.

"What are you doing here?" Nat asks as I hug her.

"I was bored and I didn't want to bother anyone."  Tony laughs.  "Well except Tony.  I can always bother him." I say as I smile.  "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you."  She says as she leads me out of the workshop.  "Sam wanted me to find you.  He was wondering if you wanted to leave tonight?" We emerge in the large living room where Sam and Captain were talking.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind going tonight." I tell Sam and he nods.  "Just give me a few minutes to pack." I turn around to leave but Captain stops me.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I sigh heavily.

"For the last time, I'm fine." I walk out of the room.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now