To Heal and To Dance

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The song reminds me of Allison so I made the video to go with this chapter.  Allison loses herself in her dancing and the pictures represent her in some way or another.  I hope you like the video and I would love to hear back from you if you find a song that reminds you of Allison.  Enjoy the chapter.


I woke up the next morning earlier than usual.  I'm usually one of the last ones up event though I get up at eight most mornings.  However, it's five when I get up today.  I slide out of bed and into a pair of jeans and purple long sleeve.  I manage to find my way to the kitchen by following the noise.  Captain is drinking coffee while watching the news and Natasha seems to be grading my homework from yesterday.

"You're up early." Captain says as I sit on the sofa.   I watch the news for a few minutes and then I see my second grade school photo.

"Why am I on the news?" I ask and Captain looks at me trying to find the right words.

"Every year on the anniversary of your mother's death, the news does a segment on it.  No one knew what really happened to the Senator's ex-wife and his daughter and everyone is still trying to find answers." Natasha tells me when Captain doesn't find a way to tell me.

"Why is it such a big deal?  Didn't they rule my disappearance as a homicide even though they didn't find my body?" I ask as I listen to the news story.  My old house comes up and the news anchor stands in front of it.

"Today I stand in front of the Swan residence where people are starting to line up.  Every year on the anniversary of this tragic murder, the Swan house is opened up so people can see where the murder of Amelia Swan and presumably Allison Swan took place.  This story has kept the nation wondering what really happened on that cold December night.  Back to you....."

"My house is a museum!" I say angrily.  "My mom was murdered there and people go there and......." I couldn't control my anger.

"People don't understand what happened and after your father was murdered four years later, everyone assumed that it was the mutants and it's just people's way of dealing with the harsh realities of this world."  Banner says as he comes into the room.

"People disgust me." I say as Captain changes the channel.  "For all they know, I died in the house and they all go there to see it." I shake as memories of that day flash through my mind at lightning speed.  "I'm going back to bed." I say as I turn to leave the room.

"Allison, talk to us.  Stop trying to shut us all out." Captain says and I close my eyes tightly as tears start to fall down my cheeks.  "Please." He says and I turn around slowly.

"I'm not ready yet.  It's harder than you think to talk about what I've gone through.  I just don't want to burden you with my past." I reply and everyone looks at me as if I'm a wounded animal.  "I'll talk about it some day but today isn't that day."  I walk out of the room and I hear them talking as I wander through the hallways and back into my cold room.  I go over my my dresser and I pull out my ballet things.

I might as well make use of this horrible day.  I  change into my leotard and I put my flats on.  I shove the ipod Tony gave me and my shoes into a small bag and I head towards the east training room.  No one really uses it so I turn it into my dance studio on most days.

I ended up losing myself in my music as I dance around the room.


Natasha's POV

Everytime Allison disappears, I know where she goes.  She doesn't hide in her room like everyone believes.  No, she's too strong to let her past take over and control her.  Instead, she loses herself in something far more beautiful.

I walk through the building until I find Allison.  She's dancing in the east gym and I can tell that a lot is going through her head.  SHe's never looked so graceful and her dancing is telling me everything that she doesn't want to say. 

Her feet stop moving and I watch as she collapses onto the floor in tears.  I want to go over to her but she needs to work through this on her own.

I slowly leave the room and I hear her sobs as I walk away.  Allison will come to us when she's ready, until then we keep her occupied and we let her dance, because there's nothing we can do to help her heal.


I feel like this chapter says a lot even though I didn't write a lot.  Allison is hurting on the inside but she tries to be strong.  She's fighting a hidden battle but she doesn't let that get her down.  She turns it into a beautiful art.  As for Natasha, I felt like Allison should learn to trust them and if that means she has to hurt a little on the inside, well than so be it.  She'll learn how to trust again someday.


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