Welcome To The Team

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I honestly thought that I would only be telling them about my past and they would let me go back to the x-men but I soon realized that I wouldn't be going back.  SHIELD seemed interested in turning me into one of their agents, which would be great but I don't know if I'm ready for that yet.

I start pacing the room they gave me as I run through all the possibilities that have opened up for me. I would be paid and I would have people who were willing to help me make Stryker pay, but the x-men don't want to use me for my powers.  It's hard deciding what I want to do.   Naturally, i want to be somewhere safe and both offer me that.

I hear the knock on my door and I turn to face it.  I take a deep breath as I walk over to it.  Natasha stands there and I smile a little.

"Have you made a decision yet?" She asks and I bite my lip as I let her come in my room.  "I take that as a no." I nod as we both sit down on my bed.

"I don't know what to do.  I've never had the freedom to choose before." I say and I have a feeling Natasha understands me.  "What do I do Natasha?" I ask.

"I can't make that decision for you, Allison.  But I think you would be better off here with us.  You'll have more opportunities and I can talk to Fury about having you stay with the Avengers for the first couple of years."  I think about that.  The Avengers seem nice and I feel like I would be able to still be a kid with them.

"I like that idea." I reply as Natasha stands up.

"Come on then.  Everyone's waiting for you in the conference room." I follow Natasha through the helicarrier.  Less people are staring at me now and it's made things easier here.  I've been here for five days now and it's been a rough couple of days.  The memory sharing has taken it's toll on my mind, but everyone was patient with me.

We walk into the conference room and I see that all of the Avengers are there, along with a couple of SHIELD agents, Director Fury, and someone I've never seen before.  I take a deep breath as I try to calm myself.

"You've come to a decision?" Fury asks me as I take a seat next to Natasha and Maria Hill.  

"I want to stay here." I reply and I can't help but question my decision.

"I don't think that's a smart decision to allow her to stay, Director Fury." The man I don't recognize says as he looks at me.  I feel my hands shaking under the table and I ball them into fists as I bury them in my lap.

"Why is that councilman?" Fury asks the man.

"After reviewing the videos that were sent to the WSC, we have ruled that she's a danger to humanity, and should be sent to the sandbox to protect everyone around her."  The man says and I bite my lip to keep from saying something.

"I recognize that the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it." Fury replies as he looks over at me.  "We can handle Allison and if there comes a day when she becomes too dangerous to the people around her, then we'll handle her accordingly."

"That isn't your decision..." The councilman replies but Fury has someone escort him out.

"Well it's settled now." Maria says as she stands up.  "You're one of us now kid." She smiles at me before she leaves the room.

"Thank you, sir." I tell Fury.  "I've never had anyone stand up for me before." I say.

"Just don't let me down." He says as he gets ready to leave.  "She's your responsibility Captain until she's eighteen, but I can use her for missions if I need to." Fury says and I realize that he's letting me go with the Avengers for three years.  "Welcome to the team, Agent Swan."


Sorry this was such a short chapter.  I couldn't think of anything else to add to this one but the next one should be longer.  Hope you enjoyed.

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