Sam and Dr. Wallis

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I run and then I focus on teleporting through the wall.  I feel myself blink out for a second and I was on the other side of the wall.  I stop running and I bend over trying to catch my breath.  My body feels drained after each time but I was getting better at it.

"Are you ok?" I hear someone ask and I look up.  Sam was sitting on the desk watching me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say as I pull my hair back away from my face.  "Wait, Fury sent you to talk to me." I realize that this is my meeting he ordered.  "First things first, yes I know I have PTSD, and no I don't want to talk about it."

"So you know you have a problem?" Sam asks.

"Yes but I don't want to talk about it." I can't talk about it because it would bring up things that I don't want to remember.

"So you would rather suffer in silence than handle the problem?"  Sam watches me closely.

"What could you do to help me?  Talking about it just makes things worse."  I sit down on the chair across from him.  "Nothing I've tried has worked."

"Come to one of my support groups.  You don't have to say anything but meet people who are going through the same thing you are."  I consider what he is offering.

"Isn't your support group for veterans?" I ask.

"You're a veteran of your own war."  Fair enough.  I agree to go with him and that surprises Sam.  "I'm heading back to D.C. tomorrow morning.  Meet me out front at 6 and we'll hit the road.  I nod as he leaves the room.  "Maybe try walking through walls and not teleporting."

I look at the wall behind me.  I don't think I have the ability to walk through walls but maybe he's right.  I walk over to the wall and I think about my body going through it.  How does walking through walls work anyways?  I imagine sliding through the wall and I manage to get my hands through the wall but I barely managed to get them out before I was too tired to continue.

"What are you doing?"  Tony says behind me.

"Sam had an idea." I say turning around.

"Banner was looking for you." Tony says and I walk away from the wall.  "Hey kid," I turn around.  "If you ever need somebody to talk to..."

"Thanks Tony." I head towards Banner's labs.  I think about what Sam was implying when he wanted me to go with him to D.C.  Seeing other people who have PTSD and seeing how they cope or don't.  I don't want them to think that a kid has worse problem than they do.  I arrive at Banner's lab and I see another man talking to Banner.  I knock before entering.

"Tony said you were looking for me." I say as he motions for me to come in.

"Allison this is Dr. Wallis. He wanted to meet you after hearing so much about your mutation."  I shake Dr. Wallis hand.

"You have an extraordinary gift, Allison."  Dr. Wallis says.  "I was wondering if you would come to my labs and let me study your mutation for a couple of days."  I bite my lip.

"I guess but it will have to be after I get back from D.C.  I agreed to go with Sam to one of his meetings."  Banner seems surprised.  "That doesn't mean anything, Banner."  I know what he was hoping and I don't know what I am going to agree to after the meeting though.

"I owe Tony ten bucks then.  I didn't think you would go with Sam."  Banner watches me.

"I like to keep everyone guessing, but I will go with to your labs.  I'm used to people being curious."

"It would be a great privilege."  Dr. Wallis tells Banner to call him when we are on our way which could be in a week or two.  I could tell that Banner wasn't done talking to me once Dr. Wallis left.

"I want to do an MRI." Banner says and I sigh.

"What's wrong with me this time?" I ask.

"Do you always have to question what I say?"  I nod.  "Just do it this time, Allison."  I changed into the hospital gown he gave me.  I hated MRI's with a passion but oh well my opinion doesn't matter.   I hop onto the table and I lay down.  "Just injecting contrasting fluid." He tells me as he disinfects the inside of my elbow.

I flinch as the needle goes in and the burning sensation starts.  I close my eyes tightly against the pain as he starts the MRI.


My head was killing me after the MRI and I ended up curling up on the sofa in Banner's office in pain.  I couldn't relax and then the pain medication Banner gave me didn't help.  I hear someone knock at the door and Banner goes to answer it.

"Do you know where Allison is?" Natasha asks.

"She's inside.  Her head is killing her after I did an MRI so she'll probably be here for a while.  Did you guys need her?"  Banner steps outside but leaves the door open just a crack.

"There was a mission that came up and we thought she might want to help but I'll tell them that she can't."  I hear Natasha leave and Banner come back in the room.

"How is your head?" Banner kneels down next to me.

"Still hurts." I whisper as I pull the blanket closer around my body.  "Why does my head hurt so much?" I ask but Banner doesn't reply.  He gets up for a few minutes before he kneels down in front of me again. I feel him move the blanket from my shoulders and he takes the arm closet to him and injects something into me.

"Just relax." He says as I feel my eyelids grow heavy and i fall asleep.

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