My powers, Whitehall!?!

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OMG I'M FINALLY ON CHAPTER TWENTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so I finally got that out of my system.   So I'm super excited to finally have reached my twentieth chapter.  Super exciting and I guess it's the perfect point for this to happen anyways.  I'm going to write the chapter now.........


I regained consciousness periodically over the next couple of days.  Well I think it was days but I can't be sure.  I'm feeling a little bit stronger but I'm still having a hard time staying conscious for more than an eight hours at a time and my leg still gives me pain.  Banner seems worried but like he keeps telling me I'm a fighter and I'll pull through this.

"Allison?" Banner asks and I open my eyes.  "How are you feeling?" 

"Better than yesterday....What's going on with the Whitehall interrogation?" I ask him trying to avoid talking about myself.

"Natasha is trying to get the go ahead to execute him." Banner says and I shake my head.

"I need to talk to him." I say.  "It's more important than what he did to me." Banner shakes his head no and I get frustrated.  "Banner you don't understand.  If I don't speak to him something bad will happen." I plead and the door to my room opens.  Natasha and Captain come in.  "I need to speak to Whitehall." I tell them.

"No." Captain says and I fight the urge to yell at them.

"Let her speak to him." Natasha says.  "He can't hurt her any more than he already has." I shudder because he knows things that can hurt me. 

"Please." I tell Captain and he reluctantly agrees.  Banner disconnects me from the machines.  Natasha hands me a set of clothes that Banner approved for the rest of my stay there.  They leave me alone so I can change and then they insist on carrying me to the interrogation room.  "I can do it on my own." I say and I manage to stand on my feet but the pain in my leg makes me collapse on the bed.

"Let us carry you until we are near the room, then you can walk." Banner says and I nod because I wouldn't be able to make it all the way to the room on my own.  Captain picks me up gently and then we go towards the interrogation room.


Whitehall looked surprised to see me as I slowly walk into the room.  It takes all of my energy not to shake as I slide into the chair across from him.  He smiles as I watch him.

"I see you survived after all." Whitehall says in his German accent.

"Tell me about my powers." I demand and he laughs.  "This isn't a game, Whitehall.  I demand you tell me what you know or I swear I'll....." Whitehall finishes laughing and then he looks at me.

"I don't fear you child, but I will tell you anyways." He takes off his glasses to clean them then he continues.  "I worked with Stryker a while ago and he told me about his little project gateway and this phenomenal girl named Allison.  He claimed that he managed to infuse your body with so many powers."

"What powers?" I say and he gives me a look and I fall silent.

"Well you already know about your ability to manipulate the elements and the weather, your telekinesis, and what else do you know about?" He waits for me to respond.

"That's all I know of." I reply and he shakes his head.

"Well then I have a lot to tell you.  You never discovered your ability to heal other people but that's just the beginning child.  You can see the future, bring people back from the brink of death, ....." Whitehall is interrupted when Captain comes into the room.

"That's enough, Allison." He tells me and I look at him somewhat upset that he stopped the conversation.  I glance back at Whitehall who seems amused by what Captain is doing.  "It was nice talking to you." He says as I slowly limp out of the room.   I collapse not four feet from the door but thankfully it was already closed.  Captain caught me just seconds before I hit the ground.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes.  "It's hurts so much." I say as tears slip down my cheeks. Captain manages to lift me up without causing me too much more pain.

"We'll get you back to Banner." He says gently and I nod.  "Why did you need to go talk to Whitehall?" He asks as we turn a corner.

"He knows about my powers." I say through the pain.  Banner is already waiting for me when we get back.  Once Captain lays me on the bed, he injects a large dose of morphine into my system.  I start to feel tired but the pain doesn't lessen.  

"Relax, Allison." Banner says and my eyes close.


Ok so chapter twenty is now done.  I'm so happy that I've made it this far.  Hope you enjoyed it and I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile.  I've just moved back on campus and my classes are just starting so it will take me longer to post.  Thanks for reading though!

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