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The Avengers suited up the second we realized that SHIELD wasn't going to respond. I didn't know what to think as I slipped back into my uniform. This time I took a weapon when Captain offered it to me. Everyone said that they should leave me here but what if Stryker was anticipating that, then I would be alone.

"So what made you change your mind about her?" Tony asks and I don't know what to say.

"I had a dream, well a memory came up and I remember Irina being in it. She was there of her own free will and she worked with Stryker. I knew I knew her from somewhere but I just couldn't place it." I say as we near the helicarrier. Sure enough a battle is being fought but SHIELD seems to be winning.

I was terrified when I saw the dead bodies littering the ground as I raced to find Natasha. It's all my fault she's here and if any of my friends die because of my decision, I will never forgive my myself. I follow the trail of bodies and I find Natasha and Clint fighting three armed men. I shoot one in the back and they take out the other two.

"Are you guys ok?" I ask worriedly and they both nod. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize...."

"It wasn't your fault. We found out too late that Irina works for Hydra not Stryker. This situation is a lot worse than we originally believed." Natasha tells me and I take a deep breath. "Don't leave our side, ok?" I nod as we race through the building. I kill two more people and Natasha takes out too many to count. However, more keep appearing and there's nothing we can do.

A swarm of them appear and in a brief moment I'm separated from Natasha and Hydra grab me. I try to break free but I feel a prick on my neck and I feel my powers disappear. I can't fight them as they drag me away.


Back on the Helicarrier.....

"Where is Allison?" Captain demands as they all gather in the conference room.

"Hydra took her." Natasha replies as she stitches up a cut on Clint's arm. "She was with us until we were swarmed. They managed to drag her away while we were busy." Captain sighs heavily as he sits in one of the chairs.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Banner asks. "Who knows what's going to happen to her while she's with Hydra." Everyone knew what Banner was implying. Hydra would try to turn her into a weapon and if not they would kill her.

"My team is already trying to locate her, so far we've found nothing but we'll keep you informed." Coulson says as he and Fury enter the room. THe silence in the room was almost suffocating as everyone tried to come up with a way to locate her.

"Wait, I put a tracker in her uniform." Tony realizes as he calls up Pepper. The issue is if she is still wearing the uniform. Hydra might have taken it off of her by now. "She's in Boston." Tony pulls up an address and they all head towards the Avengers jet.

In about an hour, the Avengers are storming the Hydra warehouse. It takes them thirty minutes to clear the building and find Allison. By that time, she's already unconscious in one of their torture chambers. Banner gets to work trying to revive her but nothing seems to be working.

"What's wrong with her?" Captain asks but Banner doesn't even know.

"We'll have to bring her to my lab to run some tests. At this point, I don't know what's wrong with her." Banner picks her up and brings her through the building and into the jet where they all race off to HQ.


Thanks for reading. I knew I was going to have to bring in Hydra sooner or later so why not. Honesty, Allison is never going to be safe and having people try to get ahold of her makes the story more interesting. I hope you have a great day and stay tuned for another update.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now