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I spent much of that day dancing, trying to find a way to cope with my problems. I knew that the Avengers were waiting for me to come talk to them but I guess part of me didn't want to get attached in case something happened and I had to leave. However, Banner came to talk to me around dinner time and I guess I learned something.

"Allison, you're going on a mission." Banner says as I stop dancing. "You need to find some way to cope with what's going on and I think it would be good for you." I look at Banner trying to find someway out of this.

"What is the mission?" I go over to the bench and I start taking of my pointe shoes. "Because if I'm bait, I'm not doing it." Banner laughs.

"No, you're going to go talk to a mutant for us." I look up at him. "She would make a good Avenger and we thought you might be able to convince her." I nod as I put on my ballet flats.

"Just let me get changed." I tell him but he shakes his head.

"Tony made a uniform for you." Banner leads me to Tony's lab. Inside Natasha, Captain, Tony, Hawkeye, and the Falcon are waiting. "She's agreed to do it." Banner tells them and everyone seems happy.

"I heard you made me a uniform, Tony." I say and he leads me to a uniform very similar to Natasha's.

"I made some modifications to protect you from your own powers. If this one doesn't work, I'll make another one." Tony hands me the uniform and I run back to my room. I slip out of my practice clothes and I put on the uniform. It fits perfectly and the fabric is light but durable. I braid my hair and I pin it up so that it's out of the way. Finally, I add the dog tags that Stryker made for me after he thought that I was perfect. I look like a warrior now.


Natasha's POV

When Allison came back into Tony's lab, she looked a lot different. She was more of a warrior now then a fifteen year old girl. Allison reminds me so much of me when I was her age. Allison smiles as we give her compliments. Then Captain gets to work briefing her on the mission.

"I'm going to Russia?" Allison asks Captain as he tells her about the mission. She seems bewildered and happy at the same time.

"Yes, the girl is Russian born and she's extremely dangerous." Captain tells her and she nods. Good thing I'm her backup if anything happens. We've all heard the stories that Fury told us about Irina. We're all worried about sending in a child but Allsion will probably be able to get through the girl.

"I don't need a gun." Allison tells Captain and I listen to the conversation again. "I have my powers and if I was Irina I would kill anyone who tried to approach me with a gun. We both have our powers and I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself."

"Allison will be fine." Banner tells Captain as I go to prepare the jet.


We landed in Russia in about six hours. I was terrified but Natasha and Clint kept giving me advice and I knew that they wouldn't let anything happen to me. We landed outside a small village and I get off the jet. I go in by myself and they keep watch from another location. As I walk in the village, I notice that everyone is staring.

"Иди домой!" A man yells at me. "Go home!" They yell again in Russian. I shudder but I know I'm here for a reason.

"Please, I'm not here to hurt anyone." I plead in Russian. "I'm only here to talk to Irina Zolnerowich." I tell them and they stop telling me to go home. "I just want to help." I say and a girl my age comes out of a neighboring house.

"What do you want?" The girl has red hair and blue eyes. "Go about your business!" She tells everyone. "Are you going to speak?" She asks in english.

"I'm here to talk to you Irina." I reply in Russian. "My name is Allison and I'm a.." She motions for me to go inside.

"You might want to be careful when you say your name Allison." Irina tells me in English. There are a lot of people who would turn you into Stryker for the reward."

"How did you know?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "Do you know why I'm here?" Irina puts a pot of tea on to boil.

"The Avengers sent you." Irina smiles at me. "I want to accept Allison, but do they understand what we are?" I look at her confused.

"They know we're mutants but you act like their's something else." I can't read her mind as she takes a seat at the table.

"Allison, Stryker created both of us. We're both apart of project gateway." Irina tells me. "I just got away sooner than you did." I look at her stunned then a memory comes forward of me playing with another little girl while in Stryker's care. "That's the one." Irina says as she reads my mind. "I'll go with you because we need to find out what actually happened to us. There's a lot that we both don't understand."

"We need to get going." I say as I stand up. I could sense something wasn't right. Natasha comes over my ear piece.

"Stryker knows you're here." Natasha says. "We need to get you out of here right now." I look at Irina who runs to her room. She emerges with a duffle bag and a bow. "Meet us where we dropped you off."

"I'll be there soon." I say as we run out the backdoor of Irina's house. She leads me down dark alleys before we emerge in the field where Natasha dropped me off. However, Stryker's second hand man is standing there waiting. "No this can't be happening." I say as we see all the guards fighting Natasha and Clint.

"Let's save your friends." Irina says as we both run into the battle.


I didn't even know this was going to happen. When I started writing i thought Irina was going to turn Allison in to Styker but I guess I changed my mind. Lol, hope you enjoyed the chapter though. Have a great weekend!

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