✰ Chapter 6 ✰

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Dracos pov

After Sophie and I got home I gave her a bottle and sat on the couch. Sophie kept pushing the bottle away. "C'mon Soph you have to eat." I tried again but she pushed it away. "Please for Daddy." I put the bottle in her mouth and she finally started to eat. "Thats my baby girl." I finally realized that I love this little thing. I don"t know what I'm going to do when we have to give them back. I really love her. Shes so small and cute. She started to get fussy. "Oh I know its been a long day." I got up and walked back onto the baby room. I sat on the chair and started rocking her to sleep. I held her close in my arms. I looked down at her and she was nuzzling into my robe. She seems to get cuter by the minute. I'm glad that tomorrow is Saturday. I can sleep in and spend some time with Soph. I put her in her crib and put her blanket and stuffed pig on her. I decided I should go study and do the dishes. I washed 3 bowls, 6 bottles,4 spoons, 2 plates, 3 binkis, and 5 cups. After that I decided I should go study for a potions test.

4hrs later

Before I knew it it was time to go to dinner. I picked up Sophie and put her in her carrier. Put her blanket on her and her pig next to her face. I grabbed her baby bag and started walking to the castle. When I got there I sat next to Blaise and put Sophie next to me. I grabbed her formula and water and started to shake her a bottle. I started to feed it to her and she tried to hold it but her hands were to wittle. After her bottle I scooped food on my plate. I ate like crazy I must have been hungrier than I thought. After dinner I walked back to my house with Crabbe. We went our separate ways and into our houses. I set Sophie in her play pen and went to go bring out some laundry I had to fold. I came back out and sat next to her play pin. She started playing with her blocks and stuffed animals. Sophie started to cry and whine. I picked her up out of her play pen and held her. She stopped crying and I sat her on the ground next to me. I started to fold laundry again. I heard Soph giggle. I looked over and she had on of my shirts in her hand."Come on give it back" I said. I took it from her and she started screaming and crying bloody murder. I picked her up I tried to calm her down but she wouldn't. "Here pumpkin" I said while giving her the shirt. She started to calm down. "I'm sorry daddy didn't mean to make you upset. You can have the shirt" I said in a whisper. I put her back on the ground with the shirt and folded the rest of the clothes. I walked into my room and put everything away. I picked up Sophie and brought her in her room. I went back out to the living room to grab her clothes and blankets. I put her clothes away and grabbed her from her crib. I slowly rocked her to sleep. I put her in her crib. Her blanket around her her pig in her face and my shirt underneath her head. "Night baby girl daddy loves you" I said and kissed her head. I headed down the hall to my room and got in the shower. After my shower I put on my boxers and hopped into bed and fell asleep.

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