✰Chapter 34✰

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Draco's pov

I stared at Andromeda playing with her dolls. I didn't know how I was going to break it to her that I was going to be gone for two whole days.

"Come play dolls with me daddy" Andromeda says snapping me out of my daze.

I smile at her releasing my breath "I suppose I could take a break from charms."

She hands me one of her dolls she calls Chloe.

"We're having a fashion show" she says.

"Looks like a lot of fun...sweetie what do you think of Luna?"

"I like her a lot. She's really pretty and she always has cool jewelry on" she says still entranced with her dolls.

"What do you think about her coming over?"

"Like on a date" she says excitedly.

"No no honey like for a sleepover just you and her" I say.

Her smile quickly fades to a frown. She goes quiet and looks down at her dolls.

"Hey" I say pulling her into my lap "It's not going to be for long just two nights like girls night."

"Where will you sleep then?"

"I will be having a sleepover at Drumstrang with my friends" I smile.

"She'll take you to your ballet classes and eat with her and she'll pick you up from daycare" I say trying to make the best out of this.

"You're gonna come back right" she says with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, yes of course honey why wouldn't I come back" I ask.

"Because I'm needy and I take up all your" she says.

I pause before I say anything. She's never said anything like that before. I don't even think she knows what the word needy means.

"Honey where is this coming from? Did someone say something to you?"

She shakes her head no.

"Luna will be staying with me here" she says perking up.

"Yes she will be and daddy will be back as soon as he can. Ok?"

"Ok" she says shaking her head.

Knock knock

I get up to see whose knocking on the door and it's Astoria.

"Hello Draco" she says.

"Hello Astoria to what do we owe the pleasure."

I turn to Andromeda focusing on her dolls not paying attention.

"Andromeda say hi to Astoria" I say.

"Hi" she says rather reluctantly.

"I heard you were going to Drumstrang for the quidditch camp. So I was going to offer to watch Andromeda for you" she says smiling.

"No thanks Luna is going to watch me" Andromeda says rather rudely.

I can see Astorias face change rather quickly to hurt. I'm also taken aback. Andromeda has never been rude to anyone like that before.

"Andromeda that was rude. I'd like you to apologize to Astoria now" I say firmly.

"No" she says walking into the bathroom and slamming the door.

"I am so sorry. I truly do apologize for her. She has never acted that way before. I assure you she will be punished for that" I say completely embarrassed.

"Oh no it's ok. But Looney Lovegood is going to watching her? Are you sure Andromedas going to be safe with her?"

"Uh ya she actually really good with Andromeda" I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"How about when I get back from Drumstrang I take you out on a date. To apologize for Andromedas behavior of course."

"I'd really like that" she says smiling walking out.

I close the door smiling. Astoria was one of the prettiest girls here at Hogwarts. Then the embarrassment and anger hit me.

"Andromeda Narcissa Malfoy you come out her this instant" I say marching towards the bathroom door.

She opens the door with a grumpy look on her face.

"What you did was not acceptable. That was very rude and next time we see Astoria you will apologize to her. If you do not apologize to her you will not be doing ballet anymore and you will not have anymore play dates. You are grounded until further notice. You understand me " I say.

"Yes" she says.

"Now pick up your toys and we will head down to dinner. While you are picking up your toys you think about what you did. And before you are done picking up your toys that attitude better be gone" I say.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~

Lunas pov

"Hello you two" I say as Andromeda runs and hugs me.

"Good morning Luna. So Andromeda got into trouble yesterday. She will not be allowed any dessert and no play dates. She can hangout with the other children in the common room only if you are doing something in there" Draco says.

"Oh my what happened" I say.

"Andromeda was not nice to Astoria yesterday and she slammed a door...well as hard as she could at least."

I look down at the little girl staring at the ground playing with her feet. That's very unlike her. I've never heard about her acting this way.

"That's very unlike her" I say playing with her hair.

"Yes very unlike her. Ok I must get going now" he says bending down "I love you ok. Please be on your best behavior for me sweetheart. You won't give Luna any trouble promise."

"I promise" she says smiling.

Draco gives her a kiss on her head and nose as she giggles. Giving her the biggest hug before he left.

"Thank you again Luna. The money will be on the night stand by my bed" he says walking out the door.

"I miss my daddy" Andromeda says looking up at me with teary eyes.

"It's ok he'll be back in no time" I say picking her up to console her.

Author's note:

I have a lot of ideas so more chapters will be coming out very shortly and I'm so glad you guys are still enjoying my story!

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