✰ Chapter 4 ✰

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Dracos pov

I held Sophie close to me. But still held my wand up but it then suddenly went away. I walked out and searched around the house their was no sign of the black fog. I ignored it and got ready for school. Tomorrow we were going to go into town. I got dressed like usual and put Sophie in her baby carrier thingy. I carried her all the way to the castle and into the mess hall. Blaise,Pansy,Crabbe, and Goyle all had their children with them. Pansy looked like she hadn't slept all night, Blaise looked annoyed, Goyle looked like he could fall asleep on his stack of pancakes, and well Crabbe looked like he was as happy as ever. I picked up some fruit and bacon. Sophie started to cry what does she want. I picked her up and rocked her but she still didn't calm down "Help" I said to know one in particular. "She might need to be fed" Crabbe suggested "I didn't bring food for her" I said "Here" Crabbe said while handing me a baby bottle. I put it up to her mouth and she shut up. She kinda looked cute in my arms. She was so small and innocent. I put her back in her baby carrier and started to eat. It was now time to go to class and I picked her up and started to walk to potions. The day went by like any other it was surprised that Sophie kept quite. Some of the other babies weren't so good. One baby threw a toy at their parents head.

End of school day

I walked home and put Sophie in her crib and she fell asleep instantly. I went into the living room and sat on the couch and started my homework. I had a test on Friday and I have to ace it to play quiditch. I studied and studied and studied some more.

2hrs later

I woke up to Sophie crying. I walked into her room. I cradled her in my arms and rocked her but she smelled bad. Oh come on for crying out loud. She needs to be changed. I set her down on her changing table and started to take off her diaper. I almost passed out I swear I saw birds flying above my head. I changed her quick and she was all clean and smelled good. I started packing for my trip tomorrow into town but I didn't know what to pack. I walked over to Crabbes house. I knocked on his door and he opened it "Hey I need help" I said "With what" he said "Packing Sophie's diaper bag" I said "Ya sure let me grab Crabbe jr. first" he said and I waited. He finally came out. He showed me what to pack and what not to pack. Diapers, formula, bottles, blankets, stroller, toys, pacifiers, and a whole lot of other stuff I can't name because I zoned out. But I was ready for tomorrow. I put Sophie in her carrier and bundled her up in blankets. I walked to the castle and then to the mess hall to get dinner.

After dinner

I opened the door and set Sophie in her crib and she went right to sleep. I walked to my room and plopped down on the bed and fell asleep.


I woke up to Sophie crying. I sleepily walked to her crib "Shhhhhh" I said and she stopped crying so I put her down, then she started crying so I picked her up and she stopped crying, so I put her down and she starts crying, so I pick her up and she stops crying, so I put her down and she starts crying. I finally gave up and just held her in my arms while rocking her in a rocking chair.

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