✰Chapter 13 ✰

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Nobody's pov

Professors tried their best to return everything back to normal and school back to normal. Parents on the other hand were sending letters of how this was a horrible idea and why they thought this was a good idea.

Students were still on edge after the stolen children. They couldn't possibly wrap their heads around why anybody would want to take a baby or what they would do with a baby.

There were still no signs of the children or any evidence to who took them. Most importantly why they were taken.


It was nice being on holiday not having to worry about potion quiz's or transfiguration homework. "Dada" Andromeda babbled. Dracos head whipped around from the kitchen and onto the small child that was stirring in her play pen. He ran to the pen picking her up "Ya that's right I'm your dada" he said with a smile putting his face in hers. "Don't be silly Draco your not her father as soon as the school takes her back she'll forget about you" Lucius says coming out of the downstairs study.

Draco nodded at his father but then turned his attention back to his daughter giving her kisses on her cheeks as she giggled profusely. "Oh Draco let me see her" Narcissa says coming down stairs. He handed her to his mother who looked at her adoringly. "I think I'm going to take her out shopping today. I think she could use a few more stuffed animals and clothes of course" his mother beamed. This was the first time he had seen his mother happy in along time.

Dracos pov

I packed her diaper bag and handed it to my mother giving her instructions on what to do if she was hungry, crying, how she liked to be held, and her favorite stuffed toys. "I know Draco I have had a baby before" his mother said smirking at him. I nodded my head with a smile and kissed my mother and Andromeda goodbye.

I shut the door after they left and began to feel anxious. She had never been away from me for more than ten minutes. She was a baby and needed her father to protect her and hold her and feed her and love her. She was like my other half.

I paced up in bedroom and every sound I heard I hoped it was them back from their shopping trip. It felt like forever but around 8 mother came back with a ridiculous amount of shopping bags and Andromeda in her arms.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed Andromeda out of her arms. "Hi baby girl did you have fun daddy missed you" I say giving her a big kiss on the cheek. "Dada" she babbled. I smiled widely and took her up to go put her to bed.

Christmas morning

I was up early with Andromeda she for some reason did not want to stay asleep. I looked at the clock and it read 6a.m. There goes any sleep I had a chance at getting. "Come on why can't we just sleep" I say to Andromeda not that she understands me. She just starts giggling and clapping her small hands.

I don't know how I could possibly stay mad at her. I tickled her tummy and gave her face kisses as she giggled.

She was the best thing to happen to me. I had never felt this type of love like this for anyone. It made me want to protect her from everything bad in the world, make sure she was always happy, make sure she knew that I loved her with everything in my heart, she made me smile, she truly showed me how to be a good parent.

I smelled bacon and decided it was time for her and I to go get some breakfast. I walked downstairs to see the elves cooking a big breakfast like they do every Christmas morning. "Morning Draco" my mother says as she takes Andromeda out of my arms.

"Go sit and eat I'll feed this little angel" she says. I try to object but it was too late my mom had already taken her. I reluctantly sit down and start putting my plate together.

My mother came back into the dining room and put Andromeda in her high chair to feed her. She squirmed and cried a little not wanting to take the food from my mother.

"Here let me try" I said taking the spoon from her hand. "Eat for dada" I said putting the spoon into her open mouth. She luckily ate the food "Good girl" I say smiling. "She must really be a daddies girl" mother says. I smile at the comment and continue to feed her.

After breakfast we all headed into the sitting room to open presents. I saw a bunch of pink wrapping paper along with my signature black and green wrapping paper. As every year I go and sit in the middle with Andromeda in my lap.

I start opening up presents revealing new clothes, robs, books, and potions. Opening up Andromeda's presents she received lots of new toys, stuffed animals, shoes, clothes (especially lots of dresses thanks to mother), and new pacifiers. I unwrapped a box in black wrapping paper and underneath the wrapping paper it revealed a black metal bracket the read Andromeda I immediately slipped it on my wrist and loved it. "Thank you mother" I said looking up to see my mother smiling and my father scowling.

"Draco I think Andromeda wants to open that one next" my mother chirped. I look down to see Andromeda playing with a pink bow attached to a present. "Here let me help you honey" I say unwrapping the present for her. I opened the box to reveal a rose gold snake bracelet.

I smiled widely "It's small now but as she grows the bracelet will grow with her wrist" she says. "It's beautiful mother" I say putting the bracelet on her tiny wrist.

Narcissas pov

"We need to talk now" Lucius whispers in my ear. I nod and stand up following him into the study. "What was that. We don't need him getting attached to her. She's already making him go soft. I've sent many letters stating how this was a terrible idea" Lucius states. "He loves her what is so wrong with that" I say. "He doesn't need any distractions. What is he going to do when he has to give her back" he said.

"We are not talking about this anymore" I state walking out. I walk back into the main room to see Draco passed out on the floor with Andromeda snuggled up on his chest.

What was he going to do when he had to give her back? I've never seen him be so sweet and gentle with anybody. He truly loved her so much.

Nobody's pov

The elves started cleaning up all the ripped up wrapping paper. Lucius ended up giving Narcissa the cold shoulder and was getting angrier at Narcissa not caring.

Draco and Andromeda ended up sleeping until dinner time. Narcissa woke them up an hour before dinner to go get ready. "I'll get this little angel ready while you go get yourself ready" she said to Draco. Draco nodded and ran up to hop into the shower. Narcissa took andromeda to the bath and played with her and her new bath duckies.

Narcissa couldn't remember the last time she was this happy. Of course she was happy when she would do this with Draco but she hadn't done that since he was two.

She loved the small child she was sweet and pure everything Draco was when he was born. She was a smiley giggly baby. She was definitely a daddies girl that's for sure.

Narcissa dressed Andromeda in a green dress and brought her down to the dining room where they met Lucius and Draco. The family dinner was awkward and quite to say the least. The only sounds that were Andromeda's giggling. Lucius was sure annoyed but Draco and Narcissa loves to hear her giggles.

After dinner Draco took andromeda up to his bedroom and rocked her to sleep. He put Andromeda in her crib and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Dracos pov

I headed towards the kitchen for some water but then I heard "Draco come here." I turned on my heels and headed toward the study where I saw father sitting. "Yes father" I said. "Sit down" he said gesturing to the big black arm chair next to his. I slowly sat down as he poured me a glass of whiskey.

"What do you think of this child assignment" father says. "I didn't like it at first but I think it has taught me a lot" I said. "Well remember Draco she's not your real child. She doesn't even have a mother. You couldn't possibly raise this child on her own."

I sat their thinking about what he had said. "Remember don't get attached you'll have to give her back to the school sooner or later you can't keep her" Lucius said and with that he finished his whiskey and left.

I chugged my whiskey and headed up to bed to check on my child.

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