✰Chapter 28✰

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Dracos pov

It was the day after Christmas and I had put Andromeda down for her daily nap. She slept soundly as I headed down to the hall to grab some bags. I couldn't ask the elves to do it because my father would interrogate them to find out what I'm up too. I needed to start throwing our belongings into bags so mother could transport them to the cottage.

We needed to be gone as soon as we could. I couldn't risk the school taking her back early. She was my everything and I was hers. I wouldn't let her be raised by complete strangers who didn't know her favorite stuffed animal, who didn't know she loves lemon loafs, who didn't know she hated cooked carrots, who didn't know about her asthma, who didn't know that she likes to bury her face in her blanket, they wouldn't no anything about her. All she knew was me. Her father.

Lucius's pov

I had noticed Draco was no where to be found. This was my chance to get rid of that retched child. I carefully make my way up the stairs and down the hall. I was cared not to be seen by the elves or my wife. I quietly open the door to Dracos bedroom and see the little witch sleeping soundly. I remember her being a heavy sleeper. Let's hope she still is. I slowly make my way towards the bed looking around to make sure Draco doesn't come out of anywhere.

I look at the little witch in front of me and slowly pull her towards me. She stirs a little bit doesn't wake. I then pick her up slowly and put her around my waist. I quickly make my way out of his room and into the hall. Luckily it sounded like nobody was around. I make my way down the stairs and head towards the front door before apparating out. I was so close until I heard "Father what are you doing."

Dracos pov

I kept getting this bad feeling in my stomach telling me something was wrong. I tried to shake it but something inside of me told me not too. I brought my hands to my face and noticed my ring had started to glow. That had never happened before. None of my rings ever did this. Something must be wrong if I'm imagining things. I grab my bags and head back to my room.

I open my door quietly to not wake Andromeda although she was a pretty heavy sleeper. I set the bags down on my leather couch in front of my fireplace and go to look at Andromeda. But Andromeda wasn't there. Her stuffed animals were also still there and she would never leave them behind. Never in a million years.

I quickly rush out of my room and into the kitchen to see if she's there and of course she's not. I quickly make my way to the hall and see my father walking towards the door. What in the bloody hell is he doing. "Father what are you doing" I say walking towards him. He stops and slowly turns around. "Now Draco that's none of your business." "Like hell it's none of my bloody business that's my daughter your holding" I say grabbing her to pull her into my arms. Father doesn't let go though. "She's a distraction. She's being taken back by the school early" he says. Like hell she is. "LIKE BLOODY HELL SHE IS. GIVE ME MY CHILD!" I pull Andromeda harder and she's jolted awake. She looks around confused and scared. She reaches for me and wraps her arms around my neck. I then pull her harder causing father to let go of her. Andromeda clings to me in fear. Father tries reaching for her and I smack his hands away.

"How dare you hit me you retched disgrace" father spits at me. He raises his hand and I quickly shield Andromeda from his blow. But it never comes. I look back as mother has caught his hand mid swing. "Don't. You dare ever raise and hand to my son or granddaughter" mother says. Father rips his arm away and places it by his side. "He has to give her back at some point who cares if it's sooner. TELL HER DRACO! TELL HER HOW SHES GOING TO BE GIVEN BACK TO HOGWARTS! NEVER TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" "THATS ENOUGH" mother yells. "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT IN MY OWN HOUSE" father yells back. "Is that true" Andromeda says with tears in her eyes. "YES IT IS. DRACO DOESNT CARE ABOUT YOU. HE DOESNT LOVE YOU" father yells. "SHUT UP" I yell back. Andromeda's in tears and shaking by this point. "DRACO UPSTAIRS! NOW" mother yells. I reluctantly run upstairs and into my room slamming my door. I can hear my parents yelling downstairs. "It's t-t-true. You d-don't wuv me" Andromeda sons. "Don't you ever say that. I love you more than anything in life. Your my everything" I say. "B-b-but your giving me a-away" she cries. "No absolutely not. Your going to stay with daddy I promise. I'm not going to let anyone take you away" I say. "Your my beautiful little angel. I love you more than anything in this world. I love you so so so so so much. I'm going to protect you forever" I say tearing up. "Without you I probably wouldn't be here right now. Your my world" I say letting the tears fall. "I wuv you too" she says.

That's it we're leaving tonight. I quickly get up and start packing our belongings that we'll need for the rest of the school year. I've put up with a lot. I've put up with the beatings, the mental abuse, the nights in the cellar, but this, this is we're I draw the line. You can beat me, punch me, hit me, scream at me, lock me in the cellar, but for the love of Merlin don't touch my daughter. "Where are we going" Andromeda asks. "We're going back to Hogwarts babygirl" I say. After I'm done throwing the shit in a bag I'm out the door. I walk down stairs but I'm quickly grabbed by two men. Another ripping Andromeda from my arms. "NOOOO" I say as I drop my bag. "DADDY" Andromeda yells as she's being dragged into the study. I continue to try to get out of the men's grasp with no luck. I'm dragged into the study behind Andromeda. "LET GO" I say fighting them. I see mother in the corner being held back by another man.

"Tsk tsk Draco I hoped it wouldn't have come to this but you've given me no choice" father says standing in the middle of the room as I'm dragged to stand in the middle. "LET US GO" I yell. My father just sneers at me. Andromeda is set down in front of father but is still being held there by the man as she tries to run towards me. "DADDY. DADDY" Andromeda yells. I fight harder against the men but no such luck. "Say goodbye now" father says and I realize what he's about to do. He takes out his wand and points it at Andromeda. Mother and I scream and fight harder. Andromeda's let go but almost frozen in fear. Andromeda raises her arms over her face for whatever's about to come.



Ohhhh a cliffhanger never done one before and I personally hate them but why not try one! Also don't forget to comment and vote. Your comments always make my day! Also if any of you are having a hard time with the election my dms are always open and I AM HER FOR YOU! Love you guys or girls or they/thems💗

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