✰Chapter 18✰

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Dracos pov

After an hour Andromeda was free to be taken. Luckily we arrived at the dining hall in time for lunch. I sat Andromeda down next to me and put half a sandwich with some fruit on her plate. I poured her a glass of water and started filling my plate with food.

"Hey trooper I heard about how you ate one of the hottest candies ever. Your such a brave little bean" Crabbe says rubbing her head. "Ya your so courageous" Astrid says. Astrid has this longing look towards Andromeda. Her baby was never found along with the rest which had an impact on the parents.

Andromeda smiled "Andromeda what do we say." "Thank you" she says. Soon lunch ended and I took Andromeda back to our room for a nap and so that I could get some homework done.

I start my homework but every so often I look over at Andromeda to make sure she's sleeping soundly. I soon get bored of homework and I hear a peak at my window. I look over and see my owl had come back with a package. I open my window to let him in. "Hey boy" I say giving him a rub on the head and grabbing the package from him. I look at it and it's from my mother. I take it to my bed and open the package to reveal matching jumpers for Andromeda and I along with my favorite red hot sugar cookies and a letter to tell her that she loves us and to tell Andromeda that she loves her also.

I smile at the note and hear Andromeda wake up from her nap. "How was your nap sweet pea" I say putting her on my hip. "Good" she says. "Well look what Narnar sent us" I say holding up the cookies. "COOKIES!" "Yes you can have one now and then you can have another after dinner if your good" I say opening the bag.

"Can we go on a walk" she asks. "Sure" I say. It was getting a little bit cold so I put her in her new jumper and we were off. I showed her my classrooms which she found very interesting for some reason and she was very fascinated by the plants. Soon it was time for dinner and we headed to the dining hall.

After dinner we headed back up to the room to go to sleep. I gave Andromeda a bath and checked on her throat before she headed to bed. I didn't even get her a chance to read her a story because she was out like a light.

I quickly finished up some homework took a shower and hopped into bed.

2 a.m.

Nobody's pov

Andromeda woke up and noticed her dad was asleep. She didn't get to see everything that she wanted to when her dad took her and didn't know when she would be able to see it.

She crept out her bed and put on her jumper and grabbed oinkers. She quietly opened the door and headed through the dungeons into the castle. She knew the dungeons pretty well so it was easy for her to find her way into the castle.

She got into the main castle and started to explore.

Meanwhile Luna was on her nightly stroll through the castle. She had a hard time sleeping at night her thoughts always were at their strongest at night. She enjoyed the light of the moon and the crisp air on her face and the cold stone underneath her feet.

Andromeda realized that she had gotten lost and was scared. She tried to find her way back to the dungeons but ended up getting even more lost. She wanted her dad and knew he would be mad when he found out she had left in the middle of the night. So she curled up in a ball against the wall held oinkers tight and started to cry.

Luna was just turning the corner when she heard something. She couldn't make it out but it sounded like crying. She peaked around the corner and saw a small child in a ball up against the wall. She approached the child slowly hoping to not scare them off. "Hello."

Andromeda felt like someone or something was watching her which made her even more terrified. She could hear footsteps approaching slowly and was scared she was going to get her dad in trouble if caught out past curfew. "Hello" the being said.

Andromeda slowly looked up and relaxed when she saw the pretty blonde. "Hi." "Are you ok and why are you out of bed so late" she asks. "Daddy took me to see some of the castle today but I wanted to see more and I thought I could find my way around" she blubbers. "Well it's ok no need to be afraid how about I take you back to your dad" the blonde says. Andromeda shakes her head yes before grabbing onto the blondes hand.

"Well you sure have fast little legs your on the other side of the castle" Luna says. The little girl doesn't say anything just nods. The walk was silent until Andromeda said "Why are you awake so late." "Well I like night time better. I also like the cold air it gives me time to think, clear my mind" Luna says. "My feet are cold" the small child announces. "Here. Come here" Luna says picking the small child up.

The child quickly latches on to the warm girl and buried her face into her hair. Luna had felt the child's cold feet on her back and was surprised she didn't say anything sooner.

Andromeda had thought she saw a black shadow run across the end of the hall and started crying again. "What's wrong" Luna asks checking on the girl. "I saw someone run across there" she says pointing to the end of the hall. Luna turned around but didn't see anyone but felt the hall get colder. She quickly turned around and started walking to the dungeons quicker. The small child tightened her grip around Luna as she walked quicker.

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