✰Chapter 30✰

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Dracos pov

As days went on news spread about my father. Today all of the students will be coming back. I wasn't looking forward to the millions of questions my friends will have or all the whispers from students. I was already getting pity looks from teachers and I didn't need them from my classmates. But what bothered me the most was that Andromeda would have to endure all of this as well. I could handle the whispers about my father or I but I couldn't handle whispers about Andromeda. She was a child she didn't understand what happened to her.

Andromeda and I walked down to the great hall to have some lunch before I put her down for her nap. The great hall was filled with some students who decided not to go home and some that returned early. We took our usual seats at the slytherin table and started deciding what to have for lunch. "How about a turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch today" I say. Andromeda nods her head happily as I grab a half for her and set it on her plate. I also add some fruit to hers and we start eating.

"I'm excited to see my friends again" she says. "I bet they're excited to see you as well." We finished our lunch and headed back down to our room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~later that night~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I dreaded the rest of the students coming back. I had already gotten letters from Pansy, Blaise, and Theo. I didn't need the rest of my friends asking questions.

It was time to head down to the dining hall. Luckily Andromeda and I blended in with a group of students that were entering. We sat at our usual spot and stayed quiet. That was until my friends sat down. Before they could even say anything I said "We're not talking about it right now. Later." They all closed their mouths and nodded. Probably scared they were going to piss me off.

Andromeda was already traumatized enough I didn't need to put her through it again. Hopefully she's young enough that maybe she'll forget but that's a big maybe. We all ate dinner in peace. Nobody dared say a word to me about my holiday. I didn't feel like eating so I mostly spent my time pushing my food around my plate. Andromeda had eaten a good portion of her food as well as a dessert of course. Andromeda had had a long day so she was getting pretty tired. I promptly scooped her up and put her on my hip. "Meet me at 11:00 in the common room" I say quickly walking away.

When Andromeda and I arrived back in our room she was already passed out. I didn't have the heart to wake her up for a bath so I slid her into her pajamas and sat on the couch with her. This plan of my mothers better work because if it doesn't I'm going to end up in Azkaban trying to get her back. She looked so peaceful sleeping and after all she's gone through I'm lucky as hell that she still sleeps through the night.

I tucked her into my bed and headed down to the common room. Not before locking my bedroom door. As I walked into the commons all eyes were on me. Goyle, Crabbe, Pansy, Blaise, and Pike. All staring at me wanting answers. I walk to the chair closest to the fire place and take a seat. I stare at the fire before saying "My father was behind everything." "He was behind Andromeda's attempted kidnapping at Hagrid's, he tried to kidnap her again when we were at home, then he used and unforgivable curse on her, and apparently he's in Azkaban right now." They just all stare at me. "Why? Why is he so hell bent on getting rid of her?" Pansy asks. "Because he thinks she's a distraction and he wants a grandson not a granddaughter" I say sighing. "Draco." "Hmmmm"I say to Blaise. "How did she survive the curse because we all know which one he used. Only one person has ever survived that." "I honestly don't know it went right through her. It didn't look like it hurt or anything. But she was pretty petrified."

We talked for an hour more than we all headed back to our rooms. Andromeda still sound asleep thankfully.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm walking to the daycare to pick Andromeda after my last class. I barely get in the door before I'm being bombarded by her. "Daddy daddy daddy!" "Yes my sweet girl" I say picking her up. "Field trip" she says shoving a permission slip in my face. It reads Trip to Hogsmede. Oh ya there's no way she's going. After everything that's happened she's lucky I let her walk to the couch to the bed by herself. I just shake my head and smile. "Ready to go" I ask. "Wait. I want to say goodbye to a friend" she says squirming out of my arms.

I reluctantly set her down as she runs towards a girl with red hair. "Bye Lily" she says hugging the girl. "Bye Drommy. Wait play date soon" Lily says. Andromeda looking up at me with her sweet eyes. I couldn't help but say yes until I noticed the little girls father Potter. "We will have to see sweetheart we have a lot of stuff to do" I say. "Ya Lily you have already had a lot of play dates this week. Let's take a break from them" Potter chimes in.

Out of all the kids in the daycare my child has to pick Potters child. Out of everyone.

SURPRISE!!! I ain't done yet I just need some more ides. This was kind of a slow chapter so feel free to give me some ideas of what you want to happen. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and don't forget to like and comment see you in the next chapter!!

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