✰ Chapter 12 ✰

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Classes started up again. The talk started to die down but the tension was still high. Students wondering if they're baby was going to get snatched during the night. Astrid still having to be sedated when she wakes up frantic about her missing baby. Parents calling the school saying this was a bad idea.

Two nights later

Students were again woken up to screams. Everyone rushing to see if they're babies were ok then rushing out of their homes to see who's child had been taken now. The fallen victims this time were Hannah Abbott and Ron Weasley.

Professors again running out to see whose child had been taken from their parents tonight.

Dracos pov

Another child had been taken and not one this time two had been taken. I stood around talking with Blaise about how they haven't done anything to prevent this from happening again. After about thirty minutes we were told to go back to our cottages and stay inside until further notice. Blaise decided to bring Stella over and stay with us until we got an update.

The clock read four. Blaise had put Stella in the crib with Andromeda which I had dragged out into our small living room to keep an eye on them.

I made us some tea to help calm our nerves. Slytherins don't show emotions but that doesn't mean we can't feel them.

Around six an announcement had popped up on our magic boards.

Attention students pack up your belongings and your babies belongings. We've decided that for the safety of you and your children you will be safer in the castle.
When you get to the castle you will be directed to your new living quarters.

"Looks like I better go pack" Blaise says as he pick us Stella and leaves. "Ok sweet girl it looks like we're moving." I start packing up all my clothes and putting them in my trunk. I soon move to Andromeda's clothes and toys putting them in a different trunk. Soon I heard a knock on my door it was Filch coming to collect my trunks to take them up to the castle. I wrapped Andromeda in her carrier and started to head to the castle.

Once arriving in the castle it was pure commotion. Babies crying, younger students half awake confused about what's going on, students looking down from the moving stairs confused, teachers running everywhere, portraits wondering what's going on. It was crazy. I find Snape and was able to get directed to my new living quarters fast.

I take Andromeda and rush to our new living quarters to find some peace and quite. It was in the back corner of the dungeon. It was much smaller than the cottage. My bed was now a twin and Andromeda's crib was now in the left corner of the room. The rocking chair was on the left of my bed and a desk in front of my bed.

My trunk hadn't gotten to my room yet so I laid Andromeda down on the bed and laid down next to her. The sun was just starting to rise as the clock was just approaching 6a.m. She kicked her little feet and clapped her hands looking up at the running fan.

Nobody's pov

Draco smiled down at the smiling child. The child soon wore herself down and started falling asleep. Draco watched the child while she slept so peacefully and wondered if he was this innocent when he was born.

His parents raised him with much discipline and they were sure they broke his spirit young. Lucius was especially tough on the young boy making sure he kept up the prestigious Malfoy name. He made sure young Draco acted right, dressed right, spoke right, looked right, walked right; he made sure Draco was perfect. He made sure he bred Draco to know that pure bloods were going to rule one day. That mudbloods we're going to be gotten rid of one day.

Narcissa on the other hand was a little more nurturing. She tried to protect Draco from as much as she could. She made sure he respected his elders and knew to follow everyone of his fathers rules.

Draco was thankful for his mother trying to protect him. But his mother could only protect him from so much.

Draco didn't have a terrible childhood he got everything he wanted. He still got everything he wanted from new robes, the newest quidditch broom, the newest shoes, he got everything a kid could have wanted. His family was feared for their power, money, blood status, and their lack of humanity. They were known for being cold and not caring about anything but their power.

Holiday was coming up for the students and Draco knew that meant his father would try to break the young child's spirit. His mother on the other hand would love the company of a baby and would buy her everything a baby could ever possibly need or want.

Draco didn't know it yet but his daughter was everything to him. He was going to do everything to protect her.

I'm on a role ladies and gentlemen. I'm feeling so motivated lately to write again!!

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