✰ Chapter 8 ✰

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Authors pov

Draco was on and off sleeping the whole night. Sophie's temperature kept going from high to higher. He was starting to worry about her. "Ok baby girl let's get you to Professor Snape and see if he has a potion for fevers" Draco said. He put Sophie in her carrier and put blankets around her. He used the luminous light spell to light up his wand. It was 5a.m. in November so the sun hadn't risen yet. He walked to the castle with Sophie's carrier in my hand.

Draco's pov

Ok stay calm Draco she's going to be ok. Poor girl she hasn't gotten any sleep and I know what it feels like to be sick. I opened the door to the castle and headed to the east wing where Snape's sleeping quarters were. It feels like and eternity before I got the his quarters. I knocked on the door and with in seconds he opened the door. Snaps doesn't sleep much. "Mr.Malfoy what an unexpected surprise. What do you need?" "Sophie's really sick do you have any potions to help." He sighed before saying "If she's sick take her to the infirmary." "I thought they were closed due to the dragon getting loose." "They set up a temporary infirmary in the north wing. It's next to Mr.Windles wand widiling class." I shook my head and went speed walking towards the north wing. Sophie started to stir and cry. I put down the carrier and held her in my arms trying to quiet her down. "επιπλέουν και ακολουθούν." I started jogging to the infirmary trying to soothe her. I peak in the infirmary and see a nurse. "Ms my little girl isn't feeling so good right now." I try and say as Sophie's screaming her head off probably waking everyone in the castle. "Well lay her down here" she says while pointing to the first bed on the left. I bring Sophie over there and set her down on the infirmary table. She didn't like that as she started squirming and flailing her little limbs. I held her little hand while the nurse checked Sophie out. "What's been going on with her" she asks while listening to Sophie's breathing. "She's has a fever and it seems to keep getting higher since twelve this morning. She's not eating much and she won't stop wailing." "Well babies do have weaker immune systems so being around all these kids probably isn't good. It is also colder out and kids are starting to get more colds. I'm going to give her some shots to hydrate her and then I'm going to have you leave her here with me overnight so I can watch her." Wait what does she mean "Like leave her all alone without me and just with you" I say. "Yes Mr.Malfoy she will be fine with me for one night." Over my dead body "I think I'll stay here tonight with her. She needs me to sleep anyways" I say aggressively. "Fine. Will you hold her still while I give her shots?" "Ya. Come here pumpkin." I pick her up off the cold bed and hold her close to my chest over my shoulder. The nurse comes back with six needles. "Woah wait you said a few shots. My baby isn't a pin cushion." "Relax it's just some shots she'll be ok and she'll start feeling better after I give her these. Now just hold her still while I put these in her arm." I nodded and took a deep breath preparing myself... I mean preparing Sophie for her shots. I heard her start to scream and cry even louder if that possible. It shattered my heart into a thousand pieces hearing her in pain and scared with this random scary lady coming at her with big pointy and sharp things with liquid in them. "It's ok sweetie daddy's got you shhhhhhh" I say holding her close. "We're almost done I promise." After what feels like an eternity later the nurse finally says she's done with all her shots. I nod as she takes the needles back into the back of the infirmary. Sophie finally quieted down after she left. "It's ok pumpkin I won't let her stick anymore needles in you I promise." The nurse comes back out with a thermometer in hand. "I will be taking her temperature every 10 minutes because since she is so young fevers can be very harmful to babies at this young of age but the shots that I gave her should cool her down quite a bit." I nod and she steps out into the corridors. I put Sophie back into her carrier but kept the blankets off of her to let her get some cool air. All these disgusting kids getting sick and spreading it to my baby makes me so heated. I mean how dare they harm the life of a tiny baby. I pull up a chair and watch Sophie in her carrier.

No ones pov

Draco stayed up all night checking on Sophie. He even took her temperature every five minutes which Sophie did not agree with. He stayed up worrying about her and making sure she was warm and comfy.

Hey I don't know if I still have readers with this book but I'm going to try and update this book as much as I can. Also I'm not really feeling the name Sophie anymore so I will be open to suggestions about new creative baby names. I will choose the name I like best give you a shoutout and I will let you choose what you want to happen in the next chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I was getting hand cramps while writing this chapter.

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