✰Chapter 15 ✰

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Nobody's pov

Draco stayed awake all night watching over the tiny witch. Students came as more babies were found in the forest. So far ten twelve out of sixteen were found.

Classes were canceled for the day so the professors could search for the rest of the babies and look to see who's behind this. "Excuse me Mr.Malfoy but she seems to be ok and you can take her back to your room. But you must bring her back in everyday until Monday just for check ups" the nurse tells Draco.

He nods and grabs Andromeda's bear that the nurses gave her to help comfort her and heads back down to his room.

Dracos pov

"Let's go sweet girl" I say as I carry her back to the room. She was now awake and smiley as ever. "Dada" she babbled. "Ya and daddy's sorry for letting you get taken" I say planting a kiss on her head.

"Excuse me. Draco." I hear and turn around to see Looney Lovegood. "I think she dropped this" she says handing me a small pink bear. Andromeda must have dropped it when she was squirming. "Thank you" I say grabbing the bear from her hand. "She's very beautiful" she says. "Thank you" I say.

She turned back around and so did I to take Andromeda back to our room.

When we got back to our room I just held her and cried. I couldn't keep it in any longer. "Oh god baby girl I'm so sorry. I promised to keep you safe and I failed. I thought I was going to die when I couldn't find you. I will never let anyone take you ever again." She just looked at me and smiled. Every time she smiles it's like my heart explodes.

Time skip

Nobody's pov

New and stricter rules had been implemented since that night. Children were no longer able to sleep with their parents. All children must sleep in the ballroom. Children were able to spend time with their parents and continuing to go to class with their parents but were not able to sleep with them.

All children must be in the ballroom by 10p.m. or else their  house and parent would get punished. No parent was allowed to visit the castle unless filling out paperwork and must turn in their wands into Dumbledore before visiting their child.

Dracos pov

"Well Mr.Malfoy she seems she's healthy but her lungs sound a little wheezy. But there's no need to worry I know a solution I'll be back" she says and leaves.

"It's ok sweetheart your gonna be ok I promise." "Andromeda has a condition called asthma. Asthma is a condition where it causes spasms in the lungs making it hard to breath. But here's a thing called an inhaler whenever she seems like she's having a hard time breathing put this end into her mouth and press down. This has medicine in it that will help her breath." "Well how did she get asthma" I asked. "She must have got it in the forest since it was extremely cold out that night. Also since she's still pretty young she doesn't have the best immune system" she says.

"Wait until she breaths out and then put it in her mouth like this" she says putting it in her mouth. "Now press down here" she says pressing down "and then she will breath in and inhale the medicine."

"Ok thank you" I say. "She will definitely need it when she gets older and starts playing quidditch or any other sport or in the spring when everything starts to bloom. Also it won't need to be refilled and make sure whenever she needs it you give it to her or she could have an asthma meaning she will have a very hard time breathing and if she doesn't get her inhaler she could die" she says.

"Ok yes will do" I say. I pick her up and grab her inhaler. "It's ok sweet girl I'll make sure I have this on me at all times" I say exiting the infirmary.

I enter my room to spend sometime with her before I had to bring her to the ballroom. *knock knock* I turn around to open the door and behind the door it revealed my mother.

"Hi darling I came as soon as I heard but it took some time. How are you holding up" she says engulfing us in a hug and a kiss. "I'm good" I say flatly. "Oh Draco don't lie to me you look like you haven't slept in ages and your holding onto her like she's going to be taken right out of your arms." I avoid her gaze and look down at Andromeda hoping my mother would drop the subject. But it was true I haven't slept the past week I've been walking to the infirmary once an hour to make sure Andromeda was still there and asleep.

She takes me over to my couch in the middle of my room and sits me down. "Look Draco I know that was a scary experience but you got her back. They've become stricter with protection. I get it—" "no mother you don't I was never taken while you were asleep. I thought I was dying when I couldn't find her. I felt like my heart was going to explode and like my breath was ripped from from my lungs. I promised her I would keep her safe. Did you know they're are still two babies that are missing from the night that she was taken and they still haven't found the other three that were taken before her" I say trying to keep my tears in. She just takes me into her arms and for the first time in awhile I felt ok again.

"Honey it's ok for you to be feeling like this. Your child is your everything when they are born or in your case whipped up" she says laughing. I laugh along with her "gama" Andromeda said. My mother and I looked at each other in shock. I bust out laughing as my mom hits me on the shoulder. "I'm not that old but yes sweet angel I am your grandma" she says.

"Honey I also care to talk to you about what your going to do when you have to give her back. The more you spend time with her the more your going to get attached" she says grabbing my hand.

"Can't I keep her I mean can't we convince the school to let me keep her" I say. "Honey no because then all the students that want to keep their child will try to convince school to let them keep their babies. Also they're going to be going to a new school where they're going to be raised and learning good magic" she says. "But she's mine she has my DNA they can't just take her" I say holding her closer.

"Also your father will not let you keep her. He already thinks she's taking up all your time and he he..." "He what, mother" I say. "He's trying to get her taken away as in he doesn't want you participating in this program anymore" she says. "He can't do that he didn't even ask me. She's my child and I am going to spend all the time I can with her. If you let him do this I will never forgive you" I say.

She looks at me and nods "I will try my best and I must get going now your father doesn't know I'm here" she says giving me a hug and leaving.

"It's ok Andromeda I won't let him or them take you away" I say.

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