✰Chapter 23✰

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Dracos pov

"Ok Andromeda you have your gloves, hat, and scarf. Remember to wear all of these when you go out to play in the snow" I say. "I love you" I say giving her kiss on her head. "Wuv you too" she says running off to go hand the teacher her outside accessories. I turn around and head to first class.

Nobody's pov

Excitement filled the playroom as break approached. All the kids were excited to go outside and play together. "Drommy let's build a snowman" Stella says to Andromeda. Andromeda smiles brightly and shakes her head. The teachers spent their time making sure all the kids were warm and in the clothes their parents brought for them. It was hard for the kids to stay together them wanting to run around already. "This walk is long" Balthasar said. "Ya I want to play" Crabbe Jr. said. A little more walking and complaining soon they were in front of Hagrids hut. "Ey there lit-ile wons. Welcome. Ye all are welcome inside me hut if ye get too cold or want some coco."

Soon kids are running around making snowman, snow angels, snowball fights, or just wanting Hagrid to pick them up. Andromeda had wandered into Hagrids hut for some coco when she was greeted my Fang. "Huh a doggy" she says running up to the mastiff. Fang rises as he sees the little girl running towards him. She starts to pet his face and starts giggling as Fang starts to lick her face. "Oi Fang knock that off" Hagrid says. "It's ok. Can he come outside and play" the little girl asks with puppy dog eyes. "Oh why not. Just make sure he don't run off. Ok." "Ok" she says running out the door with Fang.

"Come on Fang keep up" she yells running all around. The little girl and the dog continue to run around until Andromeda finds something sticking out of the snow. The small child walks to the edge of the forrest and tries to pull a small chain out of the snow.

"Hello there. Need a little help." The small girl looks up to see a man with long frizzy brown hair. His hair is pulled into a low ponytail, his brown eyes almost had a twinkle of fascination in them, his eyeliner making him look dangerous, he had a wide toothy smile that made the smile child freeze in fear. Andromeda couldn't move, just looked up at him. She was frozen in fear until Fang had knocked the girl down to stand in front of her. She was to scared to say anything so she just shook her head and moved to hide behind Fang.

"It's ok your father has sent me to take you to him" he says trying to gain her trust. "Why" Andromeda manages to get out. "He says he has a present waiting for you in the forest." Andromeda got a strange feeling as Fang kept pushing her away from him. The man had noticed the dog getting in the way. "Shoooo get away" the man said pushing the dogs face away. "Don't do that" the little girl says. Fang then pushed back and caused the man to hit him on his head. "Stop" Andromeda said starting to cry. She started backing away and turned around to run. Before she got the man caught her and hoisted her up to take her.

Ron's pov

The bell had just rang to head to charms. Hermione and I headed down the hall and made a left. "Rose has been so hyper lately. Are you giving her sugar Ronald" Hermione asks. "No of course not" I say not making eye contact with her. "Ronald you know how she gets when you give her sugar" she says scolding me. "But I just can't help it. She pulls that bloody puppy dog face and every time I try to say no she pulls out the tears" I say defeated. "It wasn't my fault Rose was so cute." "Well Ronald Weasley you don't see me giving your son sugar when he's not supposed to have it" she says. I groan in response not caring enough to give her an actual response. We make our way into the classroom and before we can sit down professor Flitwick announces we will spend the period out in the snow with our kids. We all cheered as we started pulling our hats and gloves out of our bags. 

"Mommy" Rose says as she starts running towards Hermione. "Hi baby" Hermione says picking her up for a hug. Hugo comes running up to me and I feel a cold thing hit my upper thigh. "What the" I say looking down at my leg seeing he had thrown a snowball at me. "Ohhhh I'm gonna get you" I say as I throw him up in the air as he giggles uncontrollably. "Lily. Lily. Come here" Harry says trying to call her over. "I'm go play with Drommy" she says running off towards a little girl with black hair. "Who the bloody hell is that" I say. "Watch your mouth" Hermione says. "Sorry" I mutter. "Who's that man with her" Hermione says. "Probably her dad" Harry says. "No. Her daddy has white hair" Rose murmurs.

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