✰Chapter 22✰

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No ones pov

As days went on Draco had developed a steady schedule. Classes, caring for Andromeda, friends, quidditch repeat. He realized his days with his daughter dwindling. He couldn't bare the thought of losing her.

All the students realizing their days with their children were numbered. Some students cried themselves to sleep others spending every waking moment with their daughter or son. These little witches and wizards taught the students a lot. They taught them how to nurture, how to care, how to be patient, and even taught some students how to love.

Dracos pov

It was a big day for us. Today was the big game between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Everyone was excited you could feel it in the air. Parents were even coming to watch the big show down.

I had finished putting Andromeda's Slytherin sweater on. "We're going to win" she says confidently. "I hope we are" I say giving her a kiss on the head. "Of course were going to win because your playing." I give her a smile when I hear a knock at the door. I get up to open it already knowing it's my parents. When I open the door Andromeda rushes to my mother. Mother picking her up and hugging her. "I missed you Narnar." "I missed you too my sweet angel." "And of course you Draco" she says giving me a side hug.

"Are you ready Draco" my father says. "Yes" I say putting on my cape. Hearing another little knock on the door I see Marcus at the door"Hey we need to start heading down to the pitch" he says. "But..." "It's ok Draco I'll finish getting Andromeda ready and we'll be down soon" she says. "Ok but remember her thick socks and her black boots the brown ones hurt her feet and her thick black jacket and her hat to keep her ears warm and oh oh her scarf please" I say while Marcus drags me out of the room.

"Wait daddy" I hear. I quickly turn around and Andromeda gives me a quick hug and kiss. "Good luck" she says running back into the room. "Ah looks like you've gone soft Draco" he says while we head down the hall. "Phssss me no way" I say.

Soon enough we're out on the pitch seconds away from starting but of course Madam Rowland has to give her clean game speech. And we're off Pottah and I trying to find the snitch. Marcus, Adrian, and Blaise trying to score with the quaffle. Crabbe and Goyle having it out with the Gryffindor beaters. It was tough and bloody match but in the end I ended up catching the golden snitch. I fly my broom up as my teammates and house members cheer me on. I spot Andromeda in the stands and she looks like the happiest little girl in the world.

Soon we're back in the commons being greeted by our parents, house members, and most importantly our children. I see Andromeda running towards me and I pick her up to hug her. "I told you we were going to win" she says. "And you were right" I say giving her a kiss. "Oh Draco you did amazing" mother says hugging me and giving me a kiss.

Soon our parents had to leave but we were still celebrating. Everyone was in the commons talking and just having fun and actually getting along. "Daddy this is too hot" Andromeda says taking her hat off. "Ok I'm gonna go put it up stairs real quick. Hey Adrian I'll be right back can you just watch her for a sec" I say walking Andromeda to the couch and sitting her next to him. "Wait...I'm not good with kids" he says as I'm already at the stairs.

Adrians pov

I let out a loud sigh I wasn't a huge fan of children I don't even think I'm a fan of them. They're loud and messy. I don't understand people's fascination with them. I let out another sigh and look down at the small child..She looks back up at me and starts climbing into my lap. "Hey what are you doing..." "Oh my Merlin she is so cute" Claire says. "She's so small and cute" Bridget says. "Is she yours" Rebecca asks.

I start to panic and blurt out "Yes. Yes she is mine." I've always been more on the quiet side so a lot of girls don't really talk to me. "Awe how cute. She even has your hair" Rebecca says. "Draco isn't Adrians little girl the cutest" Claire says. Oh crap. I look up at start pleading with my eyes for him to go along with it. "Ya she's adorable" he says thankfully going along with it. Quickly the girls leave to go get drinks real fast.

Dracos pov

"I leave for two minutes and your using my daughter to get girls" I say. "Hey they just assumed she was mine" I say. "Doesn't matter what happens when they find out she's not yours." "We'll cross that bridge when it comes" he says. "Ok. Come on Andromeda let's get you to bed it's late" I say lifting her off Adrians lap. "Hey you can't take my wingman" he says. "She's three and it's past her bed time. Also she's my daughter" I say walking towards the stairs.

I quickly put Andromeda in a warm bath I had started for her and quickly cleaned her up. I put her in some warm pjs and put her in my bed. I read her the little witch and the dragon to put her to sleep. I wasn't even done with the first page and she was already out cold. I slowly get up to get in the shower and start washing all the sweat and dirt off me from the game. I hop out and change into my sleeping clothes. I crawl into bed and quickly fall asleep.

Sorry this one is short! I'm working on the next chapter!!!! Thank you so much for reading!

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