✰ Chapter 11 ✰

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Dracos pov

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes and Andromeda's little face in mine. "Good morning pumpkin how are you" I say as I sit up. She just babbles as I pick her up and take her to her changing table. I quickly change her diaper and take her into the kitchen to make her a bottle. "Time for breakfast pumpkin" I say. She luckily takes the bottle easily.

I take her into the bathroom and started her a warm bath. I set her in the bath full of bubbles and put some of her rubber ducks in. She splashed around with the ducks and had the biggest smile on her face. It's amazing to see the biggest smile on her face over something so simple.

I dried her off and put her in her bear onesie to keep her warm. I walk out into the living room to find an announcement on our magic boards (magic boards- boards places in every cottage and when someone writes something on it it appears on all the boards I made it up).

All classes are cancelled for today. All students must leave their cottages today. You may go to Hogsmeade, the castle, anywhere but your cottages. We will be investing the incident that occurred early this morning and we don't need any interferences.
Take this day to spend time with your children. Everyone there is no need to worry we are on top of this incident.
Have a good day students see you in classes tomorrow.

"Well sweet girl we get a free day" I say. I set her in her play pen and went to go take a shower. The warm water felt nice against my tight muscles. I quickly finished up my shower and saw Andromeda still playing in her pen. I put on a a pair of my warm trousers, a long sleeve, and a pair of wool socks. Just as I was finishing up I heard a knock at the door.

I picked Andromeda up and open up my door to see Goyle with Ronin in a carrier. "Hey I was think we could go get breakfast at the Three Broomsticks then shop around a bit" he says. "Ya sounds nice come in let me get my shoes on" I say.

I quickly make some bottles for Andromeda and pack extra formula. I put some snacks for her in the bag, along with diapers, pacifiers, and extra clothes just in case.

I put my boots on along with my thickest winter coat. I put Andromeda in her carrier and put her thickest and fuzziest blanket around her. I quickly slip on my hat and we were out the door.

We got to the Three Broomsticks and I ordered waffles with bacon, sausage, and an over easy egg. Goyle ordered chocolate chip french toast, eggs, and bacon.

"Did you get any sleep after you went back into your cottage" he asks. "Ya I got some sleep but not before dragging Andromeda to sleep with me. I don't know how I'm gonna be able to sleep without my eyes on her at all times" I say. "Ya I practically just watched Ronin sleep for about four hours until he woke up. I've been talking with Pansy and she says they had to give Astrid a sleeping potion to calm her down." "That's intense" I say.

We finished up breakfast and headed out to the shops. We stopped by the honeydukes first. I grab a chocolate frog, cinnamon balls, two white chocolate skulls, and ton tongue toffee.

I hear Andromeda's baby babbling and look down to see she has gotten her little hands on a bag of sweet crystals. "What do we have here?" She just giggles and grabs the bag with her little hands.

"Hey did you know honeydukes now has pepper imps" Goyle says. "Those actually sound good." "Ya I grabbed you a small bag" he says putting the bag into my little buggy. I see Ronin playing with a chocolate frog and he looks so confused by it.

"Ah looks like she's found something else she wants. Like father like daughter" he says stifling a laugh. "What" I say as I look down and see Andromeda holding a bag of every flavor beans. "Ok honey that's enough candy" I say. "Let's get going before she grabs the whole store and I buy it" I say with a laugh.

We head over to Galdrags Wizardwear to go browse around. I roamed down the isles of Galdrags it was filled with trinkets and vintage clothing. We ended up getting bored and headed to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop to feed the babies.

We were seated in the corner by the window. "Who knew these little wizards ate so much. There so tiny where do they put it all" he asks? "I think we know where it all goes. I think Andromeda is having some type of growth spurt because she just eats so much." "Ya same with Ronin. He woke me up at least three times last night to eat" Goyle says. "Hey guys fancy seeing you here." I look up to see Blaise with his daughter Stella and by his side was Theo with his son Balthazar and by his side was Crabbe with Crabbe jr. "Mind if we sit" Theo says.

I grab Andromeda's baby bag and scoot over. "What have you guys been up too" Crabbe says. "Just been walking around. We stopped at honeydukes for awhile but that's about all" Goyle says. "Can I get you gentleman anything" Madam Puddifoot asks. "Can I get a clover tea and two cinnamon cakes" I say. She nods her head and the rest of the boys order.

"How's Astrid doing" Goyle asks biting into his lemon tea cake. "She's still hysterical. Last I heard Pansy and Astoria were staying with her in the infirmary" Theo says. "There's still no sign of the person who took her son" Crabbe says. "I just don't get why someone would steal a baby" Blaise adds. "If love to see someone try to steal my child I'd hex them to Azkaban" Goyle says. We all laugh and enjoy our tea and cakes before we see that it started snowing and decided to head back to our cottages.

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