✰ Chapter 1 ✰

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Everyone was seated and eating Crabbe, Goyle, and I were still talking about how Slytherin creamed Ravenclaw in our most recent quidditch match against them. "Attention everyone. We are starting a new program here at Hogwarts. You will all get a chance to be parents to your very own young wizards and witches. It's a lesson about being a teenage parent. They will be real wizards and witches just like you. You have to keep them alive and show them good magic and how to use their magic. This will prepare you for the real world. You all will report to the infirmary after dinner. Only people in their fifth year will be able to participate in this experiment" Dumbledore announces. What, this is rubbish. Everyone was screaming and yelling and hollering but the rest of the people were shocked or laughing thinking this was just a joke.

They couldn't possibly make us participate in this experiment. I'm not ready for kids yet. Also this is why contraceptive spells were created. To stop teen pregnancy. I've never seen a pregnant witch walking around school ever. This is ridiculous.

I couldn't believe what was happening I can't be a father yet I'm not ready. We were dismissed from dinner and left to head to the Slythrin common room until we were called to go down to the healing center. In the mean time Crabbe, Goyle, and I talked about how stupid this whole thing was. "They can't possibly make us do this" Blaise says sitting down on the couch. "This is ridiculous" Theo says sitting on the arm of the chair. "My father will hear about this" I say.

"I can hardly take care of myself how am I supposed to take care of a kid" Crabbe says. He almost looks sick at the thought of having to take care of a child. "Oh come on it can't be that bad" Pansy says. We all just look up at her like she's insane. "Your kidding right" I say. "No. Oh come on you guys didn't ever picture a little version of yourselves running around." "That's frightening" Theo says. "Kids are just frightening" Goyle says. "Oh come on boys. None of you ever thought about kids?" "No. Not right now" Theo says. "Maybe not ever" Blaise says.

Blaise was always that way. He was very closed off that's why we got along so well. I couldn't really Blaise as a father. He always said he never wanted kids. They were a lot of work. He was also very scared of commitment. It was obviously because of his mother. After all she did have seven husbands. I suppose Blaise didn't want to put his own kids through that. I know I wouldn't. Blaise often said he didn't believe in love. I mean why would he. His only example of love was from his mother and she certainly didn't love any of her husbands.

"Report to the infirmary" Snapes voice boomed through the cobblestone walls. We arrived up at the infirmary just as Gryffindor was just finishing up. It was actually quite simple they were just going to take swaps of our DNA. They asked us some simple questions our health background, eyesight, and if we had any allergies. After the questions we were told to open our mouths as they stuck a cotton swab in our mouths to swab our cheeks for DNA. They quickly shooed us out and we were on our way back the dorms. We all headed off to bed tomorrow we get our little devils.

I laid in bed thinking about this experiment. I couldn't be a father. I didn't know how to love someone other than my mother. I didn't know how to take care of someone other than myself. I didn't care about anyone other than myself or my mother. I would have to put up with this bloody child for the next three years. How was I supposed to put up with a snot nosed brat who I probably wouldn't love or even think about getting attached too.

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