✰Chapter 32✰

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Dracos pov

This past week went by pretty smoothly, if you don't count the millions of stares from other students. Over the weekend mother had sent Andromeda a ton of tutus and these things called leotards. I had never seen what ballerinas wear so this was all new to me. Andromeda was getting more and more excited as her class approached.

There was one problem though. I didn't know how to do her hair. I thought about asking Pansy but she would just take over instead of teaching me, the boys are useless, and I didn't want to rely on magic for everything. I just didn't know who to ask.

Until I was visited by a certain blonde in charms class. Luna happened to be sitting in front of me that day. I was completely bored out of my mind because it was notes day. Notes were always my least favorite part of school. We couldn't talk or mess around on days like this. I also get bored too easily, writing stuff down that I didn't care about meant that I would often zone out.

I'm the middle of my zoning out my eyes happened to fall upon a certain blondes hair. Luna had her hair tied back today. It was like two pieces of hair that were tied back into one. She knew how to do hair. I had noticed her hair style would often change. Some days it was in a side pony or in a braid as my mother calls it.

I needed to ask for her help because Andromeda's class was tomorrow. I needed to learn how to do hair fast. Luckily class was almost over so I could ask her then. After what felt like hours the bell finally rang. I started shoveling my books and quills into my bag to get ready to go to lunch. I head out the door and wait for everyone to leave. Luna happened to be the last to leave.

"Hey Lovegood" I said. "Oh hi Draco. You scared me" she says. "Sorry. I just need to ask you for a favor." "What's the favor" she asks? "I was wondering if you could teach me to do Andromeda's hair. You see she has ballet class tomorrow and I have no clue how to do her hair. Can you help?" "Of course. I'm free tonight at 5:30" she says. "Great meet me outside of the slytherin common room" I say as I head off to the daycare.


I was standing outside of the common room waiting for Luna. I hope she's a good teacher and patient because it would probably take me a couple of tries to get it right. But luckily I've gotten better with my patience since raising Andromeda.

"Hello Draco" Luna says coming up behind me. "Thank you for agreeing to help me" I say sheepishly. "Of course" she says. I turn around and open the door to the commons.

She had already been inside of the commons and I think she knew where my room was. As we entered Andromeda was on the floor playing with her stuffed animals. Andromeda's face lit up when she saw Luna and ran up to her. "LUNA" she yells running into Lunas arms. Luna had crouched down to Andromeda's level to give her a hug back.

Lunas pov

"How are you sweet angel" I say. "Good" Andromeda says. "Are you ready for me to teach your daddy how to do your hair?" I say. "Ya my daddy's bad at hair" she says giggling. I turn to see Draco with a fake hurt look on his face. "My own child called me out" he says turning to go to the bathroom. Andromeda and I spent a little more time giggling before picking her up to head to the bathroom.

I sit her on the counter facing the mirror so we can do her hair. I look down on the counter to see different color bobbles, hair grips, bows, other hair clips, he was prepared but I know his mother bought all this. "Ok do you know how to do a ponytail" I ask Draco. He shake his head no. "Ok we'll start with that." I take the brush and start brushing her long black and white hair. "First you want to brush all her hair back and put it in your hand. Bring your hand up and smooth out the bumps with the brush. Then take the bobble and pull her hair through. After that twist the bobble and pull the hair through again. Do this until there is no more bobble."

Dracos standing there nodding looking at the final project. "Ok your turn" I say undoing her hair gently.
He nods stepping behind Andromeda. I can tell he's focusing on making Andromeda's hair as nice as possible. He was finally done and he looked so proud of his daughters pony tail. "Good job daddy" Andromeda says with a big smile on her face. "Thank you baby girl" he says giving her a kiss on her head.

Draco was a wonderful father to Andromeda. I always wondered how it would be when she has to go back. "Ok so now you know how a bobble works and now you can do pigtails and half up half down. Now let's learn a bun" I say taking her hair down.

"The bun is quite simple just gather all her and twist. When it's all twisted just slowly move the hair in and the hair should start to create a circle if not just move it into a circle. Then take a hair tie and wrap it around the bun. You may need some bobbles and that's ok."

"Ok I got this" Draco says undoing her hair. He quickly imitates my movements and her bun isn't the best but with practice it'll be perfect.

"Good job" I say. "Daddy I'm hungry" Andromeda says. We both turn to look at the clock and it's already 8 o'clock.

Dracos pov

"Ok sweetie let's go get some food" I say picking Andromeda off of the counter. Dinner usually started around 7 but the time must have gotten away from away us.

We walked down the hall making small chat until we reached the great hall.

"Ummm thanks for helping me with Andromedas hair" I said.

"It was my pleasure. I must get going now" she says walking towards the Ravenclaw table.

I've gifted you guys a new chapter! Happy holidays. I have a few days off work so I will try to write as much as possible! :)

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