The Kanes Christmas

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It was the morning of Christmas and I got out of bed. I had a gift for every one of our initiated in the Brooklyn House. I know, there are a lot of them, but I managed to wrap 'em all up before the 24th. I got out of bed and got dressed in warm clothes. Today, we have a free day at Brooklyn House, so you get to do anything. Once I was ready, I checked myself in the mirror, and headed out the door and stayed on the right side of Carter's room and got ready to shoot my snowball I made.


It was a beautiful night, and I only had a short ba trip. I went to the throne room of the gods and they announced that there was a present waiting for all of us in the Christmas tree downstairs. The next morning, I got ready and dressed in warm clothes. I took my wand and practiced the spell that could shoot snowballs at others. I went out the door and snowballs hurled towards me. Then I got soaked in water. I saw a shade of blonde hair, just enough to know it was Sadie. I wen back into my room to get changed. I headed to the door and opened it cautiously. I went downstairs and everyone shouted, "Merry Christmas Carter!", except for Sadie, who said, "Merry Christmas snow face!" And laughed out loud, along with the rest in the table.

Then we all ate while talking of what we each wanted for presents. I wanted a year of nothing, just a year of training with no danger, but I knew better. We Kanes have never had an easy life. Sadie wished for a lot of things. I came up with an idea of revenge. Felix was the last person to say his wish. He wished that the house would be cold enough to summon more penguins. He invited everyone to an indoor snowball fight in the basketball court, which I approved if we all agreed to join and agreed to clean up the mess later. Also, ice stays in the court, to keep us from cleaning to much. No wands, no magic. Everyone agreed to the terms and conditions. As I am pharaoh, I have to make sure they follow the rules.

After eating, we all went to the huge, huge, huge Christmas tree that each of us decorated personally with an ornament each of us made. Mines had reindeers and a Christmas tree, with snowflakes and a surface of snow. I put a teeny tiny bit of magic, so the snowflakes would rain down, but the snow on the bottom would not fill up so that my ornament wouldn't be completely filled up with snow.

Sadie's had a kitten, and presents under the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree in her ornament had lights that lights up, which was her idea and was pretty cool. We all designed this in each of our rooms, alone. It resulted with everyone having a different theme and unique ornaments.

My favourite was the work that Felix and I did. Our ones had Penguin parents and penguin kids, big penguins and small ones in other words, in Antarctica, with snowflakes around them with a Christmas tree surrounded by Penguins instead of presents. Each penguin wore Christmas hats and each of them had a Teeny tiny bubble on top of their heads saying "Merry Christmas!" The penguins can also move around in the ornaments, the ones around the Christmas tree to be exact. They can walk around the tree singing jingle bells with the help of magic.

Our ornament was the biggest, and instead of putting a star on top, we all decided to have The best biggest partner ornament on top, which was ours. It glowed with a warm, yet bright yellow light, and everyone gets to pick what color they want their ornaments to glow. I chose orange for my invidual ornament, 'cause, why not? Sadie chose purple and Walt at first chose gray, but to get in to the Christmas spirit, his glowed red. Felix chose blue, Cleo green, and Jaz pink. Our ornament glowed the brightest, as the ornaments of the rest only glowed dimly. I was really proud of our work.


We went to the tree and we all looked under the tree to open our presents. We all got a lot of Presents and I can't even count how much I have! Then I found a card. It says: From the gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt.
"Guys!" I yelled. Everyone's attention was on me. "There's a card from the gods and goddesses. Let me read. After we all grab our presents, put them in your room and come back down here. Well open after the snowball fight, ok?"

No one looked really happy, but they nodded. I decided to get a little competitive. "Well, the first one to put all their presents in their rooms and arrive in the basket ball court, gets to read the letter from the gods." I slipped the card to my pocket, and said, "3, 2, and... 1!"

We all ran up the stairs, putting our presents in our respective rooms. Not to brag, but I won, Zia second, Walt third, Carter fourth and Cleo fifth with Khufu on her trail, with Jell - O.

Soon, when everyone came in, I read the letter. "From the gods and goddesses of Egypt. To: the magicians in Brooklyn House." I began, and opened the letter. "For our present to you this Christmas, We all decided and agreed to give you a barrier for your snowball fight game in the court and a gift that we know would be perfect for all of you." Everyone was silent. "And that is..." I stayed quiet for a few seconds, just to put a little mysterious Christmas chill to it. "FREE FROM BATTLES FOR A YEAR AND A VACATION TO LONG MONTAUK IN LONG ISLAND FOR ALL OF YOU THIS SUMMER!!" I shouted, and everyone cheered really loudly. I threw the letter away and hugged Zia. "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!" I shouted in unison with the others as the court was filled with laughter and snow.


Let's just say this is the best Chrosmas ever. No museums exploding, my mom and dad okay. Living with my sisters and a lot of initiates celebrating Christmas together. As the court started to fill with snow. I made 2 huge snowballs and perfectly aimed both of it in Sadie's face. She looked at me and made a huge ball. I made a lot of small ones and put them in a pile before I threw the balls to Sadie, so threw little balls of snow just to annoy her and I threw balls at Zia too. She threw one in my face an his behind penguins Felix summoned and stayed hidden. While I stayed hidden, Sadie aimed for my face and BAM! Snowball! It was awesomely fun! I threw balls at Walt and framed Sadie. Making Walt throw lots of tiny snowballs at Sadie who hid behind me, so of course, I was the one who got hit by those balls but a few caught Sadie. We ended up making teams, boys VS girls, but no one won. Then, we all cleaned up and opened our presents. I mostly got books and I got much much more, I could list them for hours.The rest of the day, I spent time with Zia. We ate Lasagna together for lunch. Then we went to the fireplace and just sat there, talking, drinking hot chocolate and eating chocolate. I know, a day of Chocolates. For dinner, we all ate Ali of different food. I ate Pizza, tacos and much more. It was the best night and holiday. To top it off, a kiss from Zia. I love her.


The rest of the day I spent time with Walt / Anubis - you know. I spent it just like how Carter spent time with Zia and its best for me not to explain because I can talk for hours. I got a kiss from Walt which just made my day. Tonight was the best night ever. I was walking down the hallway to my room when I heard DJ music, so I came back down. I saw penguins dancing, wearing costumes. I laughed. The others had came down too. A huge banner went down that read 'Merry Christmas my Kittens!' I looked around the crowns and spotted Bast. I reached her the same time Carter did and we both gave her a big hug. We spent the rest k the night chilling. We all stayed up late 'till midnight, but who cares? We have a free year ahead of us.

Note to all of you reading, here is a note from Our initiates, Zia, Walt, Khufu, the other magicians out there, Carter, demigods, and I:


So there you have it. A special chapter Christmas edition for my birthday today. Enjoy, and see you next time magicians and demigods!

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