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Carter being the nerd in class.

Sadie being the popular girl in school.

Cleo being a fangirl. (ME)

Jaz being a health nut.

Felix being the class clown.

Alyssa being a nature lover.

Walt being a perfectionist. (When it comes to jewelry)

Zia being well, Zia.

Thank you so much for 8K. I still can't believe it. Do my eyes deceive me? 8K?! Lesson: this proves the impossible is possible. I never knew this story would reach 8K.Thank you so very much for your support. Loads of updates hopefully after one week, because 20% of my friends are leaving and I want to spend the remaining days I have with them. Thank you for staying with me. ❤️❤️

❤️Y'all so much!

See ya!

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