Chapter 10

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Sohyun's POV

The next morning I woke up refreshed and excited for Cameron's arrival. Any awkwardness between Taehyung and me from yesterday were gone and we joked and fooled around like usual. When we arrived at school I pretended to be Jungkook's girlfriend again and he helped me hold my books as we walked around the school together. We sat down together at home room when the door opened. "Annyeonghasaeyeo, je ireum Cameron imnida." Cameron greeted. Squeals immediately erupted from the girls in the class.

"Kyaaaaaaaa he's sooooo cute!!!!"

"He's so hot!!!! Where is he from???"

"I think I'm in love!!!!"

Cameron glanced around the classroom and smiled when his eyes met mine. I smiled back.

"Bwo?! That new girl again? What does she have that I don't?!"

"Is she really that pretty? First BTS and now Cameron too?!"

"Why does she get all the boys?!"

"Omg, she's such a slut..." I frowned. I was still a virgin! I hadn't even had my first kiss yet!!!

The teacher asked for volunteers to show him around and hands shot up and more squeals followed before she even finished her sentence. Cameron cleared his throat and the room fell silent as the girls hung on to his words. "Seongsaenim, could uh could Sohyun show me around instead?" The girls groaned.

"How does she even know him?!"

"She's not even that popular..." The teacher nodded, and gestured for me to come over. When I reached her desk, Cameron swung his arm around my shoulder. "Let's go Hyun ah." More screeches of outrage erupted.

"What in the world????? Are they that close?!"

"He can speak English to her?! And the nick name?!?!?!?!?!?! Omg!!!"

When we reached the hallway, Cam engulfed me with a tight hug which I returned. "I missed you!!"

"Same here... Camilla!!!"

"Yah!!! I told you not to call me that!!!"

"Merong!!!" I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed, and the melodious sound filled the air. I brought him around the school and told him where his classes were. We had sadly no classes together so we could only meet during recess.
After showing him around school it was recess so I met up with BTS.

"Hey guys, this is my oppa Cameron!"

"Dul. Set. Bang." Rap monster initiated.

"Tan! Annyeonghasaeyeo, bangtansonyeondan imnida." The rest of BTS finished.

"Cameron, these are my oppas!"

They all introduced themselves and we sat together and ate lunch. Jungkook sat on my left and Cameron was on my right. Taehyung was opposite me. Suddenly, an overwhelming flower stench filled the air making me wrinkle my nose. A hand suddenly appeared and rested on Cameron's shoulder.

"Annyeonghasaeyeo, Hyerin imnida... You must be Cameron, but I'll call you Cammie!" My eyes bugged. Hyerin?! Didn't she like BTS?! I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Cameron made me proud by replying.

"Its Cameron to you and could you please..." He used his index finger and thumb to pinch the fabric at Hyerin's wrist and moved it away from his shoulder. He then took out his handkerchief and wiped the area where her hand had been. This was too funny!!! I peeked a glance at Hyerin and almost fell out of my seat trying to control my laughter. Her face was bright red and her eyes were widened to the max. She stuttered.
"M-mian." She cleared her throat. "Umm, what are you doing here?" She attempted again. Didn't she know when to give up? My stomach started to ache from laughter when she started to bat her eyelashes 'flirtatiously'.

"Are your eyes ok? Did your fake eyelashes irritate them? And the reason I came here is simply, none of your business." I glanced around the table. The rest of BTS were tight lipped and red as they too struggled to keep in their laughter. She huffed and pouted before making her way to Taehyung. "Oppaaaa, what he said was so mean right?"
As he opened his mouth to reply her all that came out was laughter. And soon, even I let it out, followed my the rest of BTS. She huffed again before her eyes landed and narrowed on me. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!"

Another cliffhanger!!! How do you like the story? Please vote, comment and share!

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