Chapter 3

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I sprinted to her and jumped on her. "What the f- ROSA! What the hell are you doing here?!" She screamed at me. " I could ask you the same Olives!" I shouted back at.

Because I jumped on her we were currently crashed against the ground. God, I've missed her so much. Olivia Waals is my best friend and the hottest girl I know. With her long red hair and stunning eyes and perfect body, yes she has it al. She gets all the attention from the guys when we walk around at school. They only come to me to ask if she is single or if I have her number. She has a boyfriend Daniel and he is hot and way out of my league. They match perfectly together and they are the most 'famous' couple at school.

We got up and hugged each other very tight. "So Olives" that's what I call her all the time "what in God's sake are you doing in fucking Miami?!" I asked her a little to loud. "Well dear as you know my brother is going to college next year and he got a scholarship somewhere around here and we wanted to look first so yeah that's why." She explained. "But why didn't you text or call me about this? You knew I am in Miami for winter break." I asked her because I thought she would text or call me when she had time so we could catch up. "My phone fell at the airport when I was about to call you and now it's broken. Plus my brother doesn't have your number anymore." That's typical Olivia to do that. "That's a good excuse." I think I should tell her about Martin. She is very protective when it comes to guys.

"I met a guy this morning." I blushed a little when I said that. "Oh my god! Tell me everything! Is he hot?! He has to be nice to you or else I will kick his butt back to where he came from!" Damn I missed her humor so badly. "Yes he is nice, he even 'asked' me for dinner this evening." I said to her while I was smiling from ear to ear. "Ohn that's so sweet. He's a keeper.*winks*" she pushed me into the water playfully.

We walked further and I told her everything about this morning and about Martin. It was already 02:30 in the afternoon so we headed to my room to get ready for tonight. Obviously she must help me with my makeup, hair and clothes. I mean like she's my best friend, that's her duty.

Olivia is my own makeup artist because I can't do anything of that shit. She did a beautiful smokey-eye and added some lipstick. I'm wearing a cute black dress with my black Nikes. It is 05:45 so I took a last glance in the mirror and for once I actually looked nice.

Olivia walked me to the restaurant 'cause she was staying in the same hotel. I hugged her tightly and pecked her cheek. "Be careful and have fun sweetheart!"she yelled from across the hall. "Thank you I will babes!" I shouted back.

The moment is here.
You could tell that this isn't just a hotel restaurant, but one for the VIPs. Why would he ask me to come to a VIP restaurant?

I don't see him so I ask a waitress. "Hi, I'm here for Martin?" I was a little nervous because it's my first real dinner date. "Are you Rosaline?" The lady asked politely. "Yes, that's me." I answered quickly. "Follow me please." As I followed her to the roof I saw Martin sitting at a table. Waiting for me.

Candles and roses are spread al over the place. It's so romantic I'm going to throw up. I immediately relax when I see him.

He stood up from his chair "Hey beautiful" he said while pecking my cheek "you look amazing tonight." He complimented me. "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself though." Okay I smirked a little, but how can you not smirk when his hair is on point and he is wearing a black suit that fits him perfectly like it's made for him. Or was it? It looks Italian. Leave it Rosa enjoy your evening. Okay subconscious I will.

"So Rosaline" he started "you never told me your last name." I was staring into his eyes until the question shook me out of my gaze. "I don't know if you can pronounce it, it's Groothuizen." I can hardly pronounce it myself. "How hard can it be: Groothuizen. That was easy!"

How can he pronounce that?! Most of the people that say my name don't even know how to read, or say it. It is a Belgian name 'cause my dad is from Belgium so. "Didn't see that one coming, how did you do that?!" I spit out. "I'm from Amsterdam so that's a normal name to me." That explains his accent! Rosa you're a dumbass to not notice that. Shut up subconscious! "But how come you have a Dutch last name and a British accent?" He asked while he ran his hand trough his beautiful gold-brown hair. "My father is from Belgium and my mother from the UK, But I live in Belgium at the moment." I replied. "That explains." He simply said.
"And what's yours?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Garritsen, Martijn Garritsen." Oh no he did not just do that. "Don't you dare James Bond your name Garritsen!" I said back. My guilty pleaser: James Bond. You're weird girl. Can you just fuck off subconscious?! Damn I wish I could slap that bitch out of my mind sometimes.

He leaned into me and whispered something in my ear. "Garritsen, Martijn Garritsen." Now I want to slap him in the face but he's to cute. "Okay you win, it sounds a little bit like James with a Dutch touch." I joked at him. I like him, he has humor.

"You said you are into music?" He questioned me. "Totally obsessed you could say!" I responded with a wink. "What kind of music?" He wants to know. "Currently EDM, but I just love music from before my birth." My guilty pleasure number 2: old music. I always think I was born in the wrong place and at the wrong time. "That's nice, but EDM huh? Who's your favorite DJ?" I think he likes EDM to. "Jay Hardway, he has this awesome track Electric Elephants. You should listen it some time." My guilty pleasure number 3: secret crush on Jay Hardway. Okay need to stop doing that.

"Really? Jay?! And yeah I know the track, don't really like it." Why does he sounds so negative about Jay? Ah forget it maybe he just doesn't like him as much as I do.

"Oh okay, what about you?" I really want to know now he admits that he doesn't like Jay so. "I'm a DJ." He said pretty confident. Are their any bad things about this perfect guy?! "Wow that's so nice, what's your stage name?" Would he be famous? Maybe that's why I've seen him before and why we're in an expensive restaurant. This can't be if he was famous I must have heard about him.

"Martin Garrix" No way Jozé! I knew that I've seen him before! "Oh my god you're the guy from animals?! And the amazing track with Tiësto?!" I'm shocked. "That's me." He replied sadly. Was he disappointed in me because I didn't recognized him? Then he must be pretty full of himself. "Your music is amazing! I love it!" Pinch me because I feel like I'm dreaming. No you're not. Ohn the bitch can be useful. I forgive you subconscious.

"Thank you! But you are amazing to." And with that he grabbed my hand. I can feel my whole body shiver and my stomach makes a 360.

The food was wonderful and so was this evening. I look at the time 10:05. What?! That late already? I have to go. Fuck! I haven't talked or seen my family the whole day! Oh no I'm screwed. "Martin this evening was the best I ever had but really have to go now." But I don't want to go. "Can I at least walk you to your room?" He offers. "Of course you can."

We walked to my room and stopped in front of the door. "I'll see you around I guess." I said. "You know, what I have a show tomorrow and you can come if you want to?" What? This is so awesome! I just can't believe this whole day! "I would love to!" I answered a little to excited. "Give me your number and I'll text you the details. Okay?" I gave him my number and we made a picture together for the contact foto.

"Until tomorrow beautiful." He said and pecked my cheek but this time a little longer and more passionately. "Goodbye" I said back.

I opened the door and fell on my bed and everybody was already asleep. Lucky me. I change into my pj's, brush my teeth and wipe my makeup off. As soon as I lay down I drifted to sleep with Martin on my mind...

Hey guys!,
An update for youuuu. I hope you have a good night/day :). My thumbs hurt at the moment auw poor me ;) but I like the long chapter better then the short ones. I hope you enjoy, leave a comment and please vote.

Xoxo Puck

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