Chapter 15

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"I need to take this." I say to Daniel and he nods understandingly. I press the green button and hold the phone against my ear.

"Hye." I say and I can hear him breathing through the phone.
"Hye beautiful! How are you?" He says back enthusiastic and it cheers me up instantly.
"Now I'm happy."
"Me too." I can't stop smiling and Daniel is giving me weird looks.
"When are you coming back?" I ask while walking around the room nervously.
"Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk about." His voice sounds sad so this can't be good.
"What is it then?"
"My management changed my tour dates, so I have to stay away longer." Fuck, no no, no, no. I need him here now. Damn Martin why is this so difficult.
"No, you can't be kidding me?!" I say back. I feel disappointed that I have to wait longer for him, but it's for his career and he is an amazing DJ so. It would be unfair if I stopped him from living his wildest dream.

"No I'm not, but babe I'll come back in about one and a half month and then we can spend lots of time together."
"Yeah, okay." I answer him shortly.
"I'm so sorry. Hey, I have to catch a plane I'll text you later okay?" He says and I can hear him running so I believe him.
"Okay, I love you." I say back, while smiling widely because his accent is so cute, can't handle it.
"I love you more."
"Stop being so stubborn and believe me." He laughs trough the phone.
"Okay then, only because it's you. Bye Martijn."
"Later Rosaline." And with that he ends the call.

I sit down on my chair and run a hand trough my hair. Damn this sucks, but I have to look on the bright side. We'll spend a lot of time together so at the end, those months won't matter anymore.

"Who was that?" Daniel asks curiously. "Martin." I say back with a smile on my face. "Ah Martin Garrix, the boyfriend." He says with a sarcastic tone. He always is making fun of me. The bastard.

"Yes, him. He'll come back in less then two moths." I say and my smile disappears. I hope these days pass quickly. "That's awesome!" He says and the bell of the first break rings.

We get outside and walk down the stairs to the schoolyard. A big rectangle where everyone of our school stands when we have our 15 min break. It's winter so everyone is always freezing outside, while the teachers are sitting inside, drinking coffee and eating cookies. So unfair.

I search for Em. She's my other best friend and is two years older then me. She is a senior now. Em was sick this whole week so I couldn't talk to her but she said that's she would be back today. I haven't seen her in 3 weeks and it seems way longer. I've missed her.

I turn around and see her standing behind me. I open my arms and she walks right into them and hugs my tight. This feels like coming home. "Hye" I say when we pull away. "Hye" she answers and makes a goofy face like always.

"So how's your boyfriend, huh?" She says with a smirk on her face and pokes my stomach. "Good, but he just called and he is going to be away longer than expected." My mood changes instantly, why is loving someone so hard.

"Ohw... Those months will be over in no time and then you can spend as much time as you want with your DJ boy." She says and laughs slightly. She has a point, if I just don't think about it to much it will be over sooner.

"Yeah yeah, alright." I chuckle. Its so cold today that my hands are shaking and I think my cheeks are very red, like always. It's not from blushing but from the cold or the heat.

The awful sound of the school bell is ringing in my ears again. Time to go to class I say goodbye to Em and walk to the school building. I think I have French, god I hate it so. Sorry French people but I hate your language. I walk up the stairs and I caught someone staring at me. It is a boy with a Martin Garrix sweater. I have seen him many times but he never noticed me. I've never talked to him before but he seems nice.

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