Chapter 25

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"What am I supposed to do now?!" I ask Jonathan and look down at my hands who are laying in Jonathan's. I'm so fucked up. I don't know if I can go back to school?! I shouldn't have hit her. I'm so stupid... "Jonathan can we go home please?" I ask and he tilted my head up so our eyes met again. "Okay but if you want we can stay here?" He says and a little smile appears on my face again. "Or we go back to school an-" "NO! I can't go back in there and be like nothing happened?! Do you remember what I did?! I've punched Olivia in the fucking face!" He intertwines our fingers and squeezes my hand slightly. "Calm down Rosaline, everything is going to be fine. Just go to Olivia apologize and talk. You can't stay mad forever." He's right, I have to fix this as soon as possible. But I will not forgive her for the drugs thing, at least not yet. She has to prove that she has stopped. Plus she must tell Julian and her parents. Then everything can be left behind. Fuck I'm so scared but now is not the time to be a pussy.

I suddenly realize that Jonathan is holding my hand for a very long time now. This feels so wrong. The only person who should hold it, is Martin. Why does he even want to hold it? He could just comfort me with a hug or something like that. I stand up and untangle our fingers. He gives me a questioning look and I turn around to walk towards the door. "Hey! Where are you going?" He asks and I stop again. "To school." "Then I'm coming with you." That's obvious because he has classes too.

Once we arrive at school he takes my hands again before we enter the gate. "What are you doing?" I ask and try to get my hands out of his but he tightens his grip. "I just want to make sure you really want to go. It's not to late to go back." It's very sweet that he is so concerned about me but it's starting to creep me out a bit. "Yeah yeah eeuhm I'm alright." I say and he finally lets go if my hands.

I'm standing right in front of the door that leads me to a room filled with people who will give me disguised, hateful or confused looks. But I only care about one person's look. Olivia's. I knock on the door and hear a come in so I open the door and all eyes are on me now. I spot Olivia sitting alone without Clair and Nora. She doesn't look good at all but how could she? "Euhmm, Olivia can I talk to you?" She stands up from her chair and walks towards me.

I close the door behind her and clear my throat. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted that way. Hitting you in the face was just all the anger building up and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I'm just so sorry." A slight smile appears on her face so I know she is okay with it. It was quite a bitch move, I must say. "I would have done the same you know? Unfortunately, I can't hit myself. I forgive you. I know what you're thinking, yes I forgive you that easily. I don't expect you to do the same because I want to prove myself first. That I can quit.  I just need you to trust me. Don't leave me alone. Please." A tear rolls down her cheek and I pull her into a hug. She tightens her grip around me and bursts out in tears. "I won't leave you." I say and let go of her. She doesn't deserve all of this trouble. Definitely not but she did it to herself. Suddenly Julian pops in my head. She hasn't really asked about him. I'm doubting their relationship. I don't think Olivia still loves him. It was a fling. Just a stupid fling. Now she's all back in Daniel town. At least that's what I think.

"What about Julian?" I ask and she starts fumbling with her fingers and bends her head down. She stairs at her feet for a moment and sighs. Olivia looks up and opens her mouth to say something but I stop her. "You don't love him anymore, don't you?" She bends her head down again. The fact that she isn't fighting me about how much she loves him, is a sign that my thoughts are correct.

"He still loves you, he's so in love with you. And you don't even bother to notice that. You gave up Daniel for him and now you give him up." She takes a step back and leans against the wall. She tugs on her own hair and droplets of tears fall on the ground. "I-I love him, as a friend. I just don't feel the urge to kiss him anymore. I don't feel attracted to him or in love." She answers and her breathing becomes heavier with every word. "The truth is I just don't feel anything at the moment. He's just Julian, I don't get happy when I hear his name or sad."
"Why are you crying then?"
"Because he loves me and I don't love him anymore. That makes me sad." I was right, she wasn't thinking when she kissed Julian in Miami. I don't say that it was a mistake because the thing they had was beautiful but at the end it wasn't worth it, all the trouble with Daniel.

"Come on, let's go home and talk some more okay?" I suggest and she nods her head yes. I put my arm around her shoulder and we walk out of the school building, not giving a shit about skipping school.

I grab my bike again that was smashed somewhere outside. I ride and Olivia sits on the back. I'm a pro at this. We do this all the time. A few minutes later she speaks up. "Do you remember that we were coming back from that party? You were drunk and told me that you could handle it." She bursts out in giggles and I join in. "Yes I remember, only a few meters further we were crashed against the ground. Dying of laughter of course, that was amazing." I answer and the whole situation flashes bye in my mind. The party, being drunk for the first time, getting attention from hot boys. It was quit an experience. "Don't forget that guy that helped us get to my house. He was so handsome and friendly! Oh god I forgot his name..." I say and Olivia starts giggling again. "Yeah, his eyes were soooo blue. Just like the ocean in Miami. I think it was Jonas." Yes! Jonas that was his name. God I can't describe how beautiful he was. Such a babe.

We arrive at home and I make hot chocolate for the both of us. She tells me every detail of the parties where she dealt. She also explained her feelings with Julian. I fully understand her but it will be hard for Julian to understand. It's mean but if it's over then it's over.

We talked for hours and hours. I saw her tears, smiles and fears. I'm the one who has to take care of her in the good and the bad times. She even called Julian today to explain everything to him. He cried, yelled and screamed. Everything that we expected. Eventually he will forgive her, I hope.

Hye guys!!!
Sorrryyy for not updating but I had a lot of homework but I have two weeks of vacation now so I hope that I have enough of inspiration to post a lot of new chapters. I hope you like it so far. I hope you have a great day or night. Thanks for all the votes and reads! I appreciate every one of them!

Xoxo Puck➕✖️

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