Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

*Three Years Later*


    "Buzz droids." Anakin grumpily mumbles into the monitor, the new information, making me want to examine myself.
    "R4, you be careful." Obi warns the tiny droid before adding,"Oh dear, they're shutting down all the controls.”
    "Move to the right so I can get a clear shot on them." Anakin tells him.

    I watch in amusement as my husband begins shooting at Obi's ship, wanting to rid of the annoying little droids, clipping off parts of his wing in the process. "You're not helping Anakin." Obi Wan scolds at his poor attempt of aid, whilst Anakin receives his own small mass of the pests

    "There's an eye in the middle Anakin! Get R2 to zap it, i think it’s their life source." I quickly say over the com, and in response, he does as told, R2 killing them off individually.
    "The generals ship is just ahead" Obi reminds us, "with the shields still up" he disappointedly sighs, which meant, that no one has deactivated them yet.

    "Anakin? Would you be a sweetheart and get rid of that problem? Hm?" I ask sweetly, looking through my right window and over to his ship, parallel to mine.
    "Of course" he replies just before speeding up even more, already getting to work.
After a few moments, the shields drop, but of course, a large metal one begins retracting slowly replacing it.

"I've got a bad feeling about this" Obi mutters, the three of us, simultaneously racing towards it even faster than before.

    “No worries Obi, we’ve got this. Besides, when have we ever failed?” I snigger with the roll my eyes, fingers gripping tightly along the steering with the nearing anticipation.

He scoffs over the com and i giggle to myself, “Oh i don’t know, what about that one time when we-”

“Relax Master, you’re mistaken.” Anakin interrupts, and i can practically hear his smirk with the teasing words. I quickly glance over to his ship, but he’s already looking at me. My heart flutters as he gives me wink before looking straight ahead once more, as i do the same, i cannot help but smile all giddy-like to myself. Oh does he send me into a whirlpool of wondrous feelings. A dream that i never want to wake up from.

Obi Wan groans, but does not fret, nor does he try to win the conversation, as for there isn’t any point, after all it is two against one. “Thank you, Nicolette, for your loyalty.” he sarcastically teases, making me laugh at his slight humor.

“Anything for you, Obi.” i play along.

Moments later, we all fly through the retracting barriers with only inches to spare before crashing down nastily, into the hanger in unison, just as the metal shield clasps shut.

    I press the buttons on my control panel in front of me, and pull the lever attached to the door, popping it open to jump from the starfighter. Once out, I'm met with a swarm of droids. I look over to Obi and Ani, mischievously grinning with excitement as i break out my pretty yellow sabor, "R2. Locate the Chancellor" Obi directs just before he begins destroying droid after droid. Joining in on the little brawl, i hop over two straying droids, detaching their little nubs they call heads.

After all the stick-like droids are finished off, R2 draws up a hologram of the ship, as commanded of Obi Wan. Walking up to join the two men and R2 unit, i kick aside one of the still fidgeting droids, sending it sliding across the perfectly polished flooring and against a wall. "The chancellor's signal is coming from the observation platform." Obi Wan points.

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