Chapter 32

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  "The emperor has made a critical error and the time to attack has come. The information brought from-" the women in white is interrupted by the sound of erratical beeping from behind. We all watch as she turns to face one of the workers, who stands to whisper a few things of information into her ear.

   I furrow my brows at this, sharing a concerned glance with Leia before my attention is pulled back in by the women. She faces us again, still on the opposite side of the hologram table. "We have received a message from Darth Vadar" as she finishes informing us, the image of the death star flickers away, and is replaced with Anakin's figure.

    He's still wearing that cape and dark attire. I assume he did take my word for it, and toss out that hideous helmet, and I couldn't help but smile crookedly at the sight of him. Even if it was just a hologram.

    "Hand over the Jedi Master, Nicolette Skywalker by the setting of your sun... If you refuse, I shall launch a thousand ships to your destination" his image flickered a few times. "Oh, and do not try hiding her from me, I will only find her again" then he was gone.

  My jaw had dropped, and my hands had balled into fists so tight it began to hurt. A Jedi Master, eh? I could get used to that.

   I let out a sigh at what had to be done. I could feel all eyes in the room on me now, as I stared down at my still half naked body. I still hadn't changed from the attire Jabba forced on me.

   A warm arm draped itself over my shoulder and I recognized it as Lukes. "That's human sacrifice" he spoke out, trying to keep them from deciding. "The last time she was on that ship. They were going to execute her!" He protested with facts they already knew.

   While he was trying to figure out a solution to this, I was remembering the details of his face.

   "It's okay Luke" I muttered with a slow tone, but I knew he hard me. I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped a weak arm around his torso in a side hug. "I want to go" I lied.

    Then again, it wasnt a full lie. Yes, I did want to stay with my children and help the rebellious side, and then again, I wanted to see my Ani again. I missed him and its been so long. Too long at that.

   "No it isn't mom" he shook his head, authority and determination laced in his voice, just like Anakin's.

    "You remind me so much of him, and I think that's why I'm still here" I caressed his cheek sweetly before dropping my hand. I just wished I still had my wedding band around my finger.

     "Then stay.. You said it yourself... You hate him" he kept trying to persuade me against this but I continued to shake my head.

   "No, no.. I simply said that I hate what he's done to me, to us" I expressed with a sad smile before stepping away from him so that way I could see everyone. "Even after all he's done, I'll forgive him... Because it was my fault he consumed to the darkness, he just wanted to save me" I explained as my gaze traveled to each and everyone of the people standing in this room. Mostly to Hans, Luke and Leia's. "And he did, but to an extent you will never understand" and with those words I turned to the door, wanting to get some rest and time to think before I departed back to him.
   Because in the end, I somehow knew that I'd go back. I was hoping it'd always be him in the end.

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