Chapter 17

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8 Months

"I'm going to go ahead with the procedure, Nico"

I looked up from the small fabric I was playing with. Placing it in my lap, as I looked Declyn over. "Why?" I asked.

He shook his head, not bothering to look up at me. He stared at the levitating lightsavor above his hand. It spun around in a tremendous speed, distracting him from the conversation. "Nothing can change my mind... Don't mention Padmè, it won't work, she is no where to be found" he said.

I frowned at his words creasing my brows together. "You know, that day in the village? The one we destroyed.... I killed a young girl who made me think of my Leia"I spoke quietly in fear of someone hearing me.

"I thought it was a boy you had?" His focus dropped from the floating sabor, and he turned his attention toward me.

My eyes scanned his features, looking for any sign of distrust. Anything that can keep me from telling him the truth. When i found none, I spoke, "I have a confession to make" I whispered.

"I gave birth to two beautiful children, Luke and Leia. With Obi by my side" I said in a hushed voice. "He took them away just after telling me the details of what will most likely be, my last assignment with the Jedi"

"But none of that stuff matters now" I quickly pushed it aside. "You can't give up, not on Padmè. Its the reason i helped get you out of that cell! And I know you said you wanted to help serve the Jedi one last time can't, you can't leave Padmè all alone like that!" I tried to convince in a hushed, but urged tone.

"You can't let Han be one of those unlucky children without a father. He'll grow up without knowing who you ever were!" I kept explaining.

I knew that it was no use, that there shouldn't be a point in this conversation because Declyn was not going to change his mind. His heart, like my own, belonged to the Jedi council. Even after they have all been laid to rest all because of the secret code. I guess its a good thing they're all gone. That way they would not have to witness our empire crumble completely.

I dropped my head in shame. "You still have a love to hold onto and you are throwing it all away.. Cherish that while you still can" I spoke quietly, yet truthfully. Realizing that whatever love Anakin and I shared, was not complete like it once was.

I felt Declyns fingers inch their way underneath my chin, lifting my head. "You're my best friend, Nico. And I'm not leaving you here with that devil of a man, or the Sith Lord. Especially when he does not accept his own, unborn child, that'd be like breaking your legs and leaving you with the sand people" he chuckled at the last part. Causing a smile to etch at the corners of my lips.

"And like I said before, I'll only be a danger to Padmè.. No one can know Han is a Solo. He'll have the biggest bounty on him" He explained wisely.
"Padmè will re-marry for the greater good, She'll find Han a father for him whether it be through love or sacrifice" I listened intently as he spoke, Declyn Is very wise for his age. Which wasn't too much younger.
He was only twenty two, just a year under me.

But, I still did not agree with his decision. "but she will never know the truth.. She'll think you're dead" I muttered for her sadness. "Do you not find that even a little cruel?" I added, looking up into his eyes, his black hair all messed up from that nap.

"Its better this way"

I sighed, guessing the conversation was over.I felt for Padmè, I really did. I understood what she must be going through, I felt it with my stepbrother, who left and never returned, and my father, who I never knew but that's okay.
Better if he'd never seen me the way I was. Although I never knew why my father wasn't around, It didn't give me any sort of emotion toward him. I didn't hate him, nor did I necessarily love him. I had no memories to tell.

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