Chapter 18

800 18 3

9 Months

"You're depressed"

"I'm not depressed"

He gave me a pointed look.

"I'm not!" I urged defensively. Laughing only a little bit before pulling up the straightest, most monotone face I could possibly muster.

"You are a terrible lyre" he smirked, pointing an accusing finger at me as we sat across from one another on the Sofa's in my shared chambers with Anakin. We snacked on small portions of fruits that waited on the small table between us.

When I'd woken this morning, Anakin was already gone, Declyn and him had gone on some mission I didn't care to get information on. They had just gotten back when I was walking by the ship dock. Anakin of course, walked straight past me, hardly glancing my way as he had done so. So instead I greeted Declyn with a friendly, more excited enthusiasm.

He'd given me an apologetic smile before pulling me forward. But I shrugged it over, Anakin's cold shoulder and attitude no longer fazed me. Not since I finally admitted to myself that I wasn't in love with the man. He was like the Sith to me, just another enemy.

Declyn insisted we grab something to eat before he was called in to discuss matters with the master. Anakin had immediately went in before it was Dec's turn. So for the past hour, or so, we've been talking about random things.

"How is the kid?" Declyn gestured to my tummy.

"It won't be much longer now" I smiled down at my bulging stomach, placing a hand on the warm skin.

"Can I be the godfather?"

"Obviously" I smirked, rolling my eyes before popping a grape in my mouth. I was excited for this child of mine. Even if i couldn't give Luke or Leia that sort of life. I would give this unborn child, the most love and affection I can possibly offer. I won't let this one be left out. Even though he'll miss out on twenty years. It won't be a lifetime unlike what my other babies had in store.

They would be a year old already.

"The master will see you now" Anakin's deep voice spoke monotonously from behind me.

I gasped lightly. Widening my eyes just a little. I didn't expect him to have to leave so soon. And I wasn't looking forward to being alone with Anakin any. I didn't feel safe.

With one last unsure glance, Declyn moved out of sight. And I could hear the heavy, yet calm footsteps walking toward my backside.

And then I felt his broad hands rest on my shoulders. Slowly sliding toward my neck. But never gripping tightly, he'd just set them there, letting his fingers caress my warm skin. Mixing with his own temperature.

But I stayed still. Frozen solid. I did not want to trigger anything. Even with the slightest twitch could set him off. "Why are you so tense?" He asked.

Taking a deep, confident breath. "I do not need to answer that" I spoke calmly, breathing at a slow, unnerved pace. He knew what the answer was to his own question. He knew too well.

He sighed heavily. "I told you I wouldn't do that again".

"Like you said you'd never give me a reason to fear you?" I mocked with an unwise scoff. I was tempting him, working his last nerve.

"Watch your mouth" he barked. Taking his hands off of me with his footsteps trailing farther away.

I sighed Sith relief at the ending of his physical contact, and with him growing farther away. Him snapping at me was regular on a daily basis, I didn't mind it much.

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