Chapter 28

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"Its weird" I tilted my head to the side. Watching. "How they can thaw someone out like that" I looked to Han who stood next to me, mirroring my standing position. Which consisted of folded arms and spread legs, a comfortable stance. He nodded.

"Least he's got on something to cover up all that" he gestured to the small undergarment wrapped around his waist and crotch. I nodded with a laugh. "Obviously"

Luke jerked and I knew then that he would be waking soon. As the men began their work in retrieving my son from the tube, I exited the room with Han to wait for his arrival.

"How are you feeling?" Han asked as look sat down, all dried and vibrant looking.

He nodded to Han, a silent appreciative gesture. "Much better thanks to you" he responded.

"That two you owe me" Han reminded him before turning to leave, but was stopped by an entering Leia. "Well you managed to keep me a while longer" he stated the obvious.

"I had nothing to do with it" she defended herself with a hard glare. "We cant let any ships leave until the energy shields are back up" Han rolled his eyes.

"I just think you can't let go of a gorgeous man like me" he praised himself, a smug look on his face.

"I don't know where you get these lunatic thoughts!" Leia shouts out, throwing her hands in the air, clearly annoyed.

I stifle a laugh. While Chewy sniggers. Han turns to the both of us and gives me an irritated look. "Laugh it up fuzzball" he scowls. Giving me one last glare before turning back to Leia. "Then what was that in the south passage, where you confessed your true feelings for me?"

"Why you ...dumb-witted scruffy looking... Nerf herder!" Leia snaps as han scurries away from her.

He looks back as he inches closer to me. "Who's scruffy looking?" He glances at me for a sarcastic answer and i shrug. Before looking back to her. "Must have gotten her all wild up, seeing her like that" he muttered in realization.

"Then I guess do don't know all about women yet" Leia growls, as she got closer to him.

I laughed at his expression, Luke who'd been quiet the entire time, joining in on me as I did. Chewy face palmed himself at Hans dilemma.

I gasp when i see Leia practically on top of her brother, their lips locked and showing no sign of pulling back. My jaw drops and I almost faint, but Han happens to catch me when I'd began to fall back. He too was shocked, but still managed catching me as we both watched in horror as the two sibling locked lips.

"Nasty ass'" I coughed under my breath.

When the two finally pulled back, Leia gave Han a weird look that I didn't even know what it meant. Han and I both shared looks and I fixed myself. Running a hand through my short hair and looking to where Leia was just standing back to Luke who had laid back, hands behind his head and smirking. Relaxed.

I shook my head and tried holding back the vomit. "Trust me. That's not something to be proud of" I walk after Leia.

"We've picked up something behind the base" a man informs us, his voice laced with worry.


A very weak sound is heard through the radios. I couldn't understand the words, it'd a language I've never heard. "It could be an imperial code" 3P0 suggested. He was fluent in over six million languages last time I ever saw him. I'm sure that circuit hasn't shorted out.

"Anakin" I mutter to myself, my heart begins to race at the thought of him.

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