Chapter 25

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A/N: my older brother you guys^^^^


  Repeatedly pounding my head against the steel, and dull wall, I counted all the way up to 100. Each time, before starting back from one.

  "She's lost it" my left side groaned.

   "Now, do not say that!... She's fine" my right protested confidently.

    I rolled my eyes, ignoring the two idiots and continuing my count of 26.

   "This is all your fault! If only you hadn't persuaded her into falling for that Anakin fellow, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Lefty groaned, flinging his red arms all over the place dramatically. His horns flared with heat as he growled and glared over to the much more, sweeter side.

   "Oh please, I was only trying to help you know! And besides, they would have ended up together without my help. Thank you very much" Right, stated. His arms crossed and head turned the other way. A white glow surrounding his tiny frame. A golden halo, along with fluffy white wings. He looked so sweet, unlike the other.

   "Why you little-" I interrupted him, "Shut up! Will you?!" I groaned, their annoying voices in my head.

   They froze as I turned my head to look between the two. But stopped because my neck started to hurt.

   "She can see us" Right murmured, rather nervously.
    The other. Leaned forward as Cooley as possible with a pointed look. "No shit Sebastian" he scoffed.

   Earning a roll of the eyes from this, Sebastian fellow. "Language, please Damien" he scolded with a stern look before glancing back up into my eyes.

     "Hello-Hello!" He said twice. "We are your conscience's!" He yelled and I stuck a finger into my earlobe. "Not so loud will ya?" I muttered.

     He quickly apologized, along with a goofy grin. "I'm Sebasti-" he was rudely cut off by the other.
  "Yadda yadda. No one cares!" He mocked, rolling his eyes. "Looky here princess... Our job is to get you and Mr. Grumpy pants, to come with agreeable terms. And/or get you outta here" he informed dramatically. Hitting a ball of red dust with an invisible bat and watching it fly away before vanishing.

   I turned back to Sebastian and gave him a confused glance. He shook his head and waved it off. "Don't worry about him. He's from a different time" I nodded.

   "Nicolette, all you've got to do, is calm down. Do not make any rash decisions and just remember, that everything will lead to where you're supposed to be" he winked, and then vanished. Leaving behind a single sparkle that wined up popping like a bubble. 
  I looked yo where Damien once stood, but he wasn't there. I sighed. "I've definitely lost it"

    Climbing onto the bed, I faced the wall in fedle position. Tugging at the poor, ripped fabric they'd given me. Stripping me if that hideous suit and throwing an old robe at me. One that hardly covered my body.

    I sighed, resting my head against the flat pillow and trying to at least pretend this rooms wasn't cold.

    At some point in the day, I'll be taken away and executed. They said that for my acts of trying to escape, again. They've moved the execution up a day.
   To say that I was afraid would be the least. I'm terrified. I didn't know what type of execution this would be, a simple bullet to the head, or are they going to make me float in outer space until I suffocate?

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