Chapter 31

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"I thought you cared about her!" Declyn shouted, clearly displeased with my actions.

With clenched fists I turned swiftly around.
"I did!" I defended with a raised voice before breathing out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I did" this time it was much more quieter. That one was mainly for my sake. Telling myself that I did, indeed care about her.

"Then how come you let the sandpeople win!?" He continued rambling on.

"I tried to save her but it was too late by the time I'd found her" I explained for the hundredth time. Sighing heavily and trying to let Declyn know that I was bored of his silly ramblings on and on about my mothers fate.

It was still a touchy subject, but not as touchy as Nico's was. She's all I cared to ever think about. She's run away from me and now I've got to find her.

"Did you hear that?" Declyn muttered, looking slightly startled.

I turned to face him, "hear wha-" I stopped.

'Anakin! Help me, please! Jabba's going to'


"She's in trouble" I whispered under my breath.

Then I thought, why would she call to me? She's got our children for that. She's got Han and that wookie thing. She doesn't need Declyn, or me. I'd be the last person she ever would want assistance from.

She hates me.

All the while I miss her.

"We gotta go help her" Declyn decided, grabbing his sabor from the table, waiting for me to do the same. I shook my head. "Why should we?" I asked, not bothering to look up at my friend.

"Because she's my best friend. And your wife!" He pointed out the obvious, prepared to run to a ship whilst I stayed where I sat on my sofa.

"Do you really believe that still?" I looked up, glaring at his idiotic thoughts. "If you believe that that's even the slightest bit true. Then your so naive" I made fun.
Declyn scoffed. "Have you lost hope in her?" He asked a little harsher than he probably intended. "Its not her fault she left! She loved you but you treated her like dirt Anakin!" He growled, clearly pissed with me. He took a step forward, his knuckles whitening due to his clenched fists. "Its your fault she's gone"

That's was it. Something inside me snapped and I couldn't hold myself back, Instead I threw a punch in his direction, but not good enough to actually hit him. The action shocked him for a second, long enough so that I could tackle him to the floor.

This time I actually did hit him, knocking his head to the left and then to the right again. I glared down at him with rage coursing through my veins over the thought of her leaving me.
"I'll get her back" I growled before climbing from his stunned body.

Declyn and I was about the same height, but it didn't stop me from attacking him, even if he was my friend. "Let's go get her" I grumbled as I left the room.

"What?" Declyn mumbled under his breath as we scavenged the remains of Jabba the Hutts ship.

Declyn disappeared below deck as I circled around Jabba's body, a chain wrapped around his neck with his tongue stuck out. He was strangled to death.

Their were cut away limbs of different species that littered the surface, and burn marks slashed across torso's. There was definitely a lightsabor involved.

"Anakin!" Declyn shouted as he submerged from below, a bundle of white attire in his hands. I hurried over to him, "this was Nicolette's" i realized, noticing the outfit was identical to the one she wore the last time I'd seen her. She looked really good in it. "Those bastards!" I shouted, clutching the white fabric in my hands. They touched her. My Nicolette.

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