Chapter 34

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My head flew to the right. Then the left, and then the right again, nonstop.

They just wouldn't stop, and now i know what Declyn was talking about when he'd mentioned those last words. I would have sighed with boredom by now if it weren't for the constant beatings. Why hadn't I'd been knocked unconscious by now? I assumed a while ago, that it is what he was particularly trying to do to me for the past ten minutes.

The emperor, basically hired a clone to whack me around a bit. Oh and whack me around did he do.

Now I know how Han had felt.
There was no questions asked, nothing at all just the repeated pounding of his fist every few seconds. Sometimes he'd stop to catch his breath but that's as far as it'd get.

I realize now that it would have been a better decision to just, let Anakin know I was here.

"Please, stop" my voice sounded weak as I begged, my head was laid back, too heavy for me to reposition while the unmasked clone took a break for the first time.

He didn't dare say anything. I assumed he'd been ordered not to communicate with me. Even when I tempted I couldn't do anything to keep myself safe from his hits. The force was not with me due to my weakened stake. I had no other weapons except for my own arms and legs that were too bruised to use.

"Why are you doing this?" I weakly asked, not expecting an answer but hoping my words would stall him even a second longer from hitting me again.

I was sweat drenched, bruised covered with fresh blood and Quizzy mind. There was so much pressure, i felt as if I were to just burst any second.

My body ached for water, rest and a savour. No matter who it was, I wanted away from this clone, away from the danger, away from the emperor. No help would come, not unless a battle was permitted in space.

Which would only mean that my savour would probably be death.

I'd yelled at Luke before i was taken, Han and Leia didn't know where I had gone, just that I'd left. To them I could be back at the base or on another planet, in hiding.

"It's just orders" I tensed at his responding. I'd never expected that, not in a million years.

"What is your name?" I rushed with excitement, feeling the strength drain back into my body with each passing minute of relaxation.

I could feel through the tensed air that he was hesitating to disobey and go against his orders even further. "772187" he responded with his code.

I thought for a minute, of course he had no direct name. Neither of the clones did, simply just codes with numbers. They had been given no love ever, so why would they feel love or anything of the such.

"Severn, huh?" I spoke casually. "I'm gonna call you Severn, is that okay?" I asked with a shaky breath, trying to lift my head so that I could find his eyes.

When I'd managed to do so, I looked into his green eyes and saw a pale face under them. If I'd been holding a plate of food and drinking a thing of water, I would've dropped it and spewed the water out of my mouth at the sight of him. "Nexton" I spoke with possibility.

I could feel my heart thumping erratically at the sight of my long lost stepbrother. When he gave me this look that gave off his signature 'what in the hell are you on' look, it confirmed my assumptions. So this was where he'd went off to?.

Why did he look the exact same way I'd last seen him? Young, and eighteen. His blonde hair was cut short, but untamed. His green eyes were dark, and empty.

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