Chapter 23

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My hands wouldn't move. Neither would my feet. I couldn't lift them, or push them out. I couldn't even stand.

There was a dimly lit light above where I sat, tied down to a rather uncomfortable chair. The room was small and depressing to say the least. The walls were a blank, coal color without windows or any other markings. The ceiling and floor matching together like black on black.

The door on the far end slid open, revealing the last man i want to see. His suit and mask was back on, hiding away his beautiful, yet evil features.
He took his sweet time walking temptingly across the room to stand directly in front of me. "Why did you try to leave me?" He started all of a sudden.

I bowed my head, staring down at my, still naked body. The robe, reluctantly still on, but it had slid down to reveal my thighs and pelvic region, barely covering my chest.

"Why wouldn't I?" I simply stated. "But more importantly... Why wouldn't you?" I shot back at him with a glare he couldn't even see.
"I know you saw what we were coming to... And if you actually cared about me... You would've taken me and we could've just left" I reminded him, staring blankly down at my pale skin. Ignoring his gaze as best as I could.

"I did this for you!?" He shouted, all of a sudden. Which I jerked back in surprise, but quickly recovered. Not wanting to look weak and afraid at this moment.

"No you did not..You keep telling yourself that but its not true! And you know it!" I cried. "You don't love me and I don't love you... You lied Just like every body else"

"Don't say that.. You cannot tell me what is true and what is not. I sacrificed my life for you! Countless times Nico!! If that isn't love then I don't know what is"

"I guess not then" I whispered. Contemplating that this conversation was now over.

A long pause took place after that. Nothing else was said, but he didn't move and neither did I. His feet never left the floor, his presence did not strengthen because he did not come closer.
He just stood there, staring at me as I stared down at my bare body. Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. I wasn't sure if he was staring at my bowed head, my bare legs or my chest.

"You really are a cold heart-" I interrupted.

"Don't you dare call me cold" I hesitated. Quickly thinking of something to add to that. "Because... I set myself on fire.. Just to keep you warm"

I mentally nodded. That sounded pretty decent.

He grunted in response. "For committing treason.. and attempting to kill me-"
"I'd do it again" I looked up as I said this, interrupting him rudely. But not caring. "-You will be executed in three days" he ignored me. Though a flash of hurt, crossed in his eyes.

He then knelt down in front of me, after a few moments passed. Removing his helmet and setting it next to where I sat. Resting his arms on my thighs. Earning a tremble from the contact of his skin against my own. "We can fix this" he muttered lightly. "I.. can save you again Nico" he added, lifting my chin so that I would look at him.

He was slightly taken aback at the sight of my teary eyes. Fresh and dried tears stuck to the corners of my eyes and cheeks.

"Just let me fix this"

"So its about you then?" I questioned sarcastically. "Just like it always is?" I pointed out with a scoff.

"We can put this all behind us" he ignored my signs of protest. "Go back to the way things used to be"

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