Promise Me

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Oommggg I'm finally done with a book!!

I'm soon excited for the sequel!! Which by the way will not be published until around November or December. Due to the fact I need to work on my other story, finishing my other fan fiction on Daryl Dixon (Bambi) and editing this book.

Anyways! Keep this in your library if you are interested in the sequel, maybe you wanna follow me? Eh?

I MIGHT post a sneak peak of the sequel, and if I do. It wouldn't be anytime soon.

The Sequel will probably be called "My Ghost" with either a clone as the cover or Anakin.

Quick description of Sequel Below:

"What are you doing?" I asked. Watching with weary eyes as Anakin clipped his belt around his waist, a sabor and blaster attached to It. "You can't seriously be going after him?"

He ignored me. Not bothering to even spare me a glance as he made sure everything was stable and in place. He sighed. "This is all my Fault Nico, its been too long sense we've seen him, let alone heard him" he explained, raising his gaze to meet my own.

I frowned. "You're leaving me? Again?" I blurted out the obvious, stepping forward and placing my hands on his hips. "What about-"

"She'll be fine, she has her mother" he cut me off, planting a tender kiss on my forehead.

- - - - - - - -

Two years have passed sense Anakin and Nicolette Skywalker have seen their son, James. The couple moved into a home not too far from Nicoleah on Tatooine.

Anakin decides to take Luke and Declyn with him after two years to find Koen and bring him home safely. A year passes and neither of the two have returned, what really happened to Koen? Where is Anakin? And why did Luke leave the stove on?

Find out in My Ghost.

Coming soon

Pretty good right?

See ya later ObiWans Lightsabor


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