Chapter 30

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This is where we are to find Han, in Jabba the Hutts Lair.

We sent the droids to look for him, R2 containing a threatening message from both Luke and I. Figured it'd be a better idea to have me in it, since most people do fear me.

Whilst, in the meantime. I figured this would be the best time I could finally go revisit my mother. Taking Luke and Leia with me.

We were so close now, to my old home. I didn't know what to expect, but i was hoping to find my stepfather on his deathbed, my actual father's return, and my mother, old but happy as can be.

We were sitting by the hill of sand now, staring down at the small houses that littered the area. Luke and Leia on either side of me while chewy sat next to Luke, my arms holding my knees close while I contemplated whether I should actually go in there

"I know this is a lot to take in, mo-Nicolette" Leia caught herself. I glanced her way with a sad smile. Luke didn't know yet, but something told me he'd find out sooner than necessary. "Just nervous" I shrugged. "Its been thirty something years" I realized, adding from the time I left, and those sixteen years in carbonate freeze.

"Well, what're we waiting for!" Luke piped up, throwing his hands in the air and allowing us to get a glimpse of the robotic one.

He begins walking down the hill and I sigh, "its not that easy Anakin!" And I immediately regret the words once they've left my mouth.

Luke stops, tenses up and turns to look my way. "What?" He asked. I knew that he'd heard me, but he still wanted me to repeat myself, and that's one thing I hate. Repeating myself.

"Sorry" I mumbled, glancing over to Leia for help.

She gave me a cheeky grin, which made me tense. I watched as she turned to look at the still waiting Luke. "She's your mother and you look a lot like her husband so she-" I clamp a hand over her mouth.

"She's on drugs!" I defended quickly after. I glanced around before I thought of an add on,
"They really got her back there" I added, "on corescaunt... Drugged her up really bad" I laughed a little to nervously.

Luke crossed his arms and gave me a pointed look. "I don't believe that for a second" and I groaned.

"Leia I swear" I muttered to her just before I let go of her mouth.

Smiling sweetly up at my first son, I climbed to my feet, along with Leia. "But yes, we're going to see your grandparents. Aka, my mom and bitchass stepfather"I grimaced at the thought of him.

I pushed past him and quickly made my way down the hill, toward my waiting mother.

I looked over my shoulder to see Leia filling Luke in on the details and what she knows of me. I roll my eyes, least that ones off my chest. "Why did you lie?" His voice piped up, I froze midstep, but continued shortly after. "I was waiting for the right moment"I simply expressed.

They caught up with me, the wind blowing our loose clothing to the side, along with my short hair.

"But now you know, you both do" I turned to face them, "before we go in there, there's one more thing" i stopped to look between the two. "You've gotta baby brother" I smiled at the thought of Koen. "He's seventeen. Got blue and brown eyes and his names Koenjames Han Skywalker" I told them truthfully, and they both shared looks before me. One of weirdness.

"That's a long name" Leia points out before laughed at my glare.

"He's very cute, and probably doesn't know you exist" I muttered the last part, feeling sad again at not knowing where he is. "I do hope he is okay" I smiled weakly at the two twins who stood in front of me.

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