Chapter 22

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His smile radiated down on me like the light of the sun. For it was sunny out on this day.
Anakin promised me he would help me with the force today. We were out in the fields, near the exact place we had met.

I smiled up at him, just before pushing hard against his chest, and watching him stumble. He fell to the ground with a grunt and a pointed look followed. I seemed to be smiling a lot more lately.

"That was very cruel don't you think?" He spoke as if heartbroken. "Pushing an innocent man down like that" he placed his hand over his heart.

"Man?" I repeated a brow crooked upward. My hands now on my hips. "You're merely a boy, Anakin" I pointed out.

He ignored my, very true, words and pushed a hand out for me to take. Insisting I help him up. So I took it, clasping firmly against his and as I began to pull him upwards with my bodyweight. He yanked me back down.
I fell on top of his body. My right hand next to his chest while the other directly in the center of it. My hair was whipping around vigorously due to the wind. His hands were on my waist, as if keeping me from falling flat against him the way my lower half was currently.

We stared back down at each other without a word spoken. His blue eyes sparkled, and I'd never noticed how intriguing they seemed to be. He blinked every other few seconds, as if not wanting to lose sight of me.

The world around us seemed to disappear and nothing hadn't mattered st this point. There was nothing but the two of us. He glanced to my lips and I, his.

Just as his face seemd to be growing fairly closer to my own, i began to laugh. Then I climbed from his body. There was no way that was happening. I've only known him for a couple of months. I cannot jump into something so complex. Besides, I've taken an oath along with himself.

Anakin crawled to his own feet after I'd risen, brushing himself off and coughing awkwardly. "So, anyway... Let us begin with your technics" he started half awkwardly.

"Now im not one to judge but, your stance seems to be off balance" he stepped forth, directing me to a position. "Here... Can I show you?"

"Quickly! Get them to the infirmary! They must be properly treated!"

"I cannot afford to lose them"

I felt a disturbance in the force. Someone was near. It was strong. Like there was a link between us.

There was a faint beeping noise to my right. A heart monitor. I opened my heavy eyelids to see that I was in the infirmary. My throat felt weak and dry. My drink was nearly twenty years of what I can recall. "Tiesto" I called with a hoarse breath. My body felt numb, I couldn't seem to move my fingers. "Tiesto" I spoke even louder, hoping to catch her attention ad I coughed roughly. My body felt hot, I could even feel the sweat sweeping down my damp, pale skin.

I tried to crane my neck so that I would look around the room. The turn cracked my neck and I winced at the sound. I felt weak and as if I were to vomit, but what would it be? Stomach acid? I had not eaten in years.


I shifted in my uncomfortable bed, looking around clueless, at the odd sound.

Then I found it, a boy no older than 16 stood by the door. His hair was ruffled and unkept, but in an adorable way, brown like my own. Reaching from the bottum of his neck like Anakin's. I could make out from this distance, of his opposite eyes. Remembering the last time I gazed down at them. I knew this boy, but, I could not think of his significants, nor his name.

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