Chapter 26

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"She's with us" Luke backed me up when we entered a certain room. Speaking to a few men who gave me odd looks.

It was either they'd felt suspicion, or they knew who i was. I smiled at Luke's kind smile and followed the rest even closer to where the hologram of the death star I'd been living on.

"Couldn't i get some actual clothes?" I asked a man, gesturing down to the half robe which barely covered my body.

He gave me a slow, once over and I almost socked him. Though, he reluctantly ordered for another man to do as I requested, getting me some fresh clothing.
"One fighter will destroy the defenses" a very high ranked man directs, looking around the room for any volunteers. Which none apply, and then his gaze drops on me as i receive the clothing.

I give him an innocent look as i move to the table, surrounded by everyone. "What?" I question. Taking what little belongings I had and placed them into the table. That being mainly, obi's, but now, my ligbtsabor.

All of the rooms wide eyes then direct to either me or the sabor. "Luke. Why didn't you tell us you had a Jedi friend?" The high ranked man gasped. Slightly scolding Luke for his lack of information.

He shrugged. "I didn't know".

"My name is Nicolette Tate. And yes, I am The Nicolette Tate who had fought alongside ObiWan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Before everything went to chaos" I huffed, ignoring the gasps and whispers which flood the room as I unfolded the clothing's.

"But... You're so young" one of the men chirped out. Which I very slowly looked up to. A smile jumping to my lips as i did so. "I had some work done"

"Will you fly for us?" The high ranked man asked me with kindness in his eyes and hope written in his features. I nodded.

Its been a while and i might be a little rusty, but they don't need to know that.

"A precise hit will trigger a chain reaction and destroy the station. Only a precise hit. They use ray shields so you'll need proton torpedo's" he informed and I nodded with confirmation. I already knew this, after living on that wretched ship for so long.

"But that's impossible"

"No it isn't" i protested.

"Alright then. Man your ships and, Miss.Tate, would you like to do the honors?" I smiled. Its been so long sense I'd gotten this type of respect.

"May the force be with us all" I spoke proudly and watch as they all disperse.

I race toward the falcon to change into my new attire. That being all white, which I don't mind. It'll be nice to wear anything but black for a change. It wasnt the usual Jedi attire, but it'll do. After all, it did look like a Jedi uniform.

A white pair of tights with a half shirt that sadly shows my stomach. Along with it, the stretch marks of when I was pregnant. I had fingerless gloves that went to my elbows and some actual shoes. Thankfully. Along with a belt to hold a blaster and my lightsabor.

Once I'd climbed into an Xwing, I had slipped on the helmet and my vision ran through the yellow glaze in the helmet. My favorite color. Luckily, I'd gotten an Xwing of that color. Along with a droid called, Y8. "I can do this" I told myself with shaky hands.
This is what I've been dreaming of ever sense I left them behind. I'm strong enough to go against Anakin. I know I am, and there's no fear I can allow to pulse through me. No fear Nico.
"I can do this" I repeat myself as I flip the switches, roaring the engine to life. Pulling a few levers and grabbing hold of the operating controls and feel the spacecraft lift up into a steady hover.

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