Chapter 29

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A/N: oh my lordy. I love this picture of Anakin so much!!!!! He looks so heartbroken and it's so sad but then again he looks really hot and sexy affff!!!!



"Oh her? Yeah don't worry about her. She just passed out" Hans voice commented casually as I began to come back to reality.

"Watch what you say Solo" I mutter under my breath as I open my eyes to find myself in Chewy's arms. I smile up at him at his generous actions. "Thanks for carrying me around Chewy" I thanked as he set me down carefully, his furry body staying close to be sure I could walk correctly.

Which I succeeded in, and began to look around. "Where are we?" I asked no one in particular.

"This is the city of clouds. Also known as, Corescuant" A man with a white cape bows to me, grabbing my hand gently and kissing it with a devilish smirk. "My names Lando, and yours?" He introduced with a questioned.

I raised a brow, beginning to become slightly flattered. I'm free, i may as well enjoy this. "Nicolette" I responded sweet like, with a devious smile. "You're very beautiful, Nicolette" he complimented.

Okay now I'm extremely flattered.

"How's the gas mine? Is it paying off?" Han quickly cuts in.

I scowl at him, slightly upset that he'd ruined my flattery moment by saving his friend from a forty year old women.

"Not as well as I hoped" Lando responded a little disappointedly at the mention of his profit ways.

The rest of us walked quietly down the ivory colored halls as the two men began catching up.

I learned from Leia that We'd been here a night already, which meant I was "passed out" for a while. Which, to be truthful, sounds a little odd to me. "Did Han, by any chance, I don't know. Say, knock me out?" I question Leia as we walked.

"Maybe" she responds after a while of nervous laughs. I roll my eyes, of course he did.

Before I can insult him, I'm cut off by Chewy who'd ran in, carrying parts of 3P0. "Wow" I simply mutter. Unable to focus on anything but this strange feeling assessing my nerves. It is quite unusual.

"Leia. Nicolette. You two truly look beautiful today, you really do belong with us here in the clouds" Lando tries changing the subject. "Do you want to join me in refreshments?" He asks us, inching closer as his eyes dances all around Leia and me. "Everyone is invited of course" the others stand and I grow more aggravated as the minutes pass by. No matter how flattering this man can become, he still has got something shoved so deep up his-"sure" someone cuts off my thoughts.

Unwillingly, I play along and follow after the others who walk behind Lando who runs his mouth about not being ruled by the empire. Which I believe is a load of crap, just to impress Leia.

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