Chapter 33

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  My body was thrown to the floor. For Ewoks, they were rather strong. I groaned, feeling pain spiral through my wrist. Bastards.

   The black, knitted cloth they'd tied over my eyes was pulled off and I blinked a couple times, trying to adjust to the dim lights. I was definitely in the trees, and I could make out Luke and Leias faces. Even 3P0's.

   "Guys! What the shit sack is going on here?" I asked, glaring at the little minions who surrounded us all.

   "You tell me" Han scoffed, clearly in a tight situation himself.

    I sat on my butt, uncrossing my legs as I noticed their current States, tied to poles. "Ha!" I laughed, holding my stomach. "They must've realized how hideous you actually were!" I wiped a few tears of laughter from under my eyes.

    "This is gold" I continued to laugh. Even though they were all staring at me by now, the Ewoks, confused whilst Luke and Han were rather annoyed. Leia was kinda just shaking her head down at me.

    "Well at least now I know they worship beauty" I stood, walking over to Leia and leaning on her for support.

   "Gee mom" Luke spoke with sarcastic matter. "You do know I'm an offspring of you, yeah?" He reminded me and I kind of just burst to laugh even harder.

   "Says the one tied to a pole" I retorted back.

    "Guys..." I stopped to laugh a little more."Guys, come on. Let them go. Please?" I smiled down at the Ewoks innocently.

   The shared a look with each other, but reluctantly, untied Han and Luke. "How come they listened to you and not me?" Leia scowled, arms crossed.

   I turned to her. "Maybe its the outfit" I shrugged, for I couldn't find anything else, to our similar features. I was still In my Jabba attire, because it was rather comfy and I just didn't want to bother with changing. Though, I did have Anakin's Cape around my neck, and it wasnt necessarily my size either, but that's okay. It only drags to the ground maybe a centimeter or so.

   "Are you alright dears?" I chuckled, helping Luke and Han up after dropping to the floor.

   They patted their selves down before rolling both their eyes in unison down at me. "What?" I asked innocently, although I knew what I'd done.

   "How'd you get here?"

   "I came looking for you? After I'd gotten back to the base from speaking with Anakin they sai-"

  "You spoke to him?" Luke cut in rudely, he looked hurt, but that hurt was mixed with rage.

   "Well, yes, of course I did" I raised a brow, clutching onto the fabric of Anakin's black cape.

   "Why? Why would you do that? He didn't hurt you? Did he?" Luke asked furiously while he searched for open wounds on my arms, stomach and everywhere possible, until I pushed him back. Wrapping the cape tightly around my body, I spoke with aggravation, "Of course he didn't!" Defending Anakin I got a few awkward glances from Leia and some Ewoks who didn't even know what was happening.

  "He wouldn't ever hurt me, again at least." I shrugged, whispering the last part while I gave them all sterned looks.

  "What happened" Leia stepped forward and grinned. Eager to hear some romance like most girls.

  "Just... Adult things-you wouldn't understand" I tried getting out of this conversation.

"mom, we're like adults" Luke blurts.

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