Chapter Eleven

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Today was the day. The day Declyn and I would 'redeem' ourselves, earn their trust. I wasn't sure what to do, I hadn't thought of it until now.

We were to destroy an entire village, kill everyone there, from elderly to children. It didn't matter. It was like we had to prove we had no heart for their lives.

But if it was to defeat the empire in the future, I wasn't gonna think twice about going through with the mission. I wasn't gonna back out, I wasn't one to do such things with a simple task.

Except it wasn't just a 'simple task' this time. It was one with innocent blood on my hands. I knew it would be hard, but I had to do this, I had to.

"Why must we do this Anakin?" I questioned him, my voice low and full of sadness.

"If you do not, how will they trust you. How will I trust you?" He asks me, a look of decisiveness in his horrid yellow eyes. "If you are one of us, you would not care of the task" he adds.

I didn't bother responding. I hadn't known what to say. How could I? Tell him that I wasn't who he thought of me, that I couldn't go through with it, i wouldn't.

I finished putting on my clothing before I turned to face him completely. I stared up at him as I slowly rose up onto my toes. I'd brought my hand up to his cheek, caressing it sweet-like. Kissing his chapped lips, lingering for just a few moments until separating. I'd kissed him, but he didn't return the soft gesture.

I'd hoped in getting something back, just the other day he wanted to be territorial over me, show Declyn that I was all his. And now he wouldn't even kiss me back. I sighed in defeat just before pushing past him and walking out the door.

Declyn had been standing just outside my door, waiting for me. I smiled warmly at him, his hood was on, covering his eyes. Though a few strands of his midnight hair poked out. "Way to be dramatic" I snarled teasingly, walking past him and down the hall toward the ship in which would take us down to the planet.

I didn't know where we would be going, and I was sure if they wanted me to know that information, I would have been informed by now.

Soon after, we were finally on the ship. Being met with six stormtroopers and a captain, who would most likely be flying us down.

We were directed to the center of the small ship, a hologram popped up of Anakin, wearing his full suit, head gear and everything. He began discussing details as of what were instructed upon us, and how we were to hide our identity.

With that I pulled my mask over my mouth and above my nose, along with pulling my hood over my dark brown hair.

"Good luck" He told us before the Hologram had disappeared.

We took our seats along side the wall of the ship, waiting to land in the next hour or so. I laid my head back against the cushion, closing my eyes to get rest. Sense it was going to be a while before landing.

"You little brat. Come back here!"

I watched in amusement as Anakin chased Leia around the family room. The little five year old zig zagging around the furniture effortlessly while Anakin crashes into everything in his path.

"What'd she do this time?" I questioned, stifling a giggle at the sight of him crashing to the floor once more.

He pushes himself up off the floor and gives me a knowing look. "Pulled out much of my nose hair" he whined.

I rolled my eyes playfully at the two as little Leia hid under a small table giggling helplessly while my husband sneaked around the room looking for her.

Luke was sitting against me warmly, staring down at my large tummy, amazement in his eyes.
I was seven months pregnant with our third child. Anakin thinks its a boy, but I'm certain that it would be a girl. We hadn't thought of any names, it wouldn't matter until the time came for her to be born.

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